Because, You're With Him • 126

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I spent the next few hours trying to get to a radio. Bellamy was following me closely, relentlessly asking why I needed a radio.

"I need to contact our ship," I stopped my fast walking. Bellamy stopped too, waiting for me to continue on. "Josephine convinced Abby to make night blood for her. The only thing that would have convinced Abby to stop finding a way to save Marcus was if she found a way to save Marcus. They're putting him in another body up there."

I watched as Bellamy's eyes began to droop down slightly. He seemed disappointed in himself for not figuring this out sooner.

"He wouldn't want this," my voice broke and I quickly wiped the tears coming out of my eyes.

Bellamy's voice was low when he spoke, "I know... but the radios don't work down here, remember?"

I don't know how I forgot that, but I did. I felt like I was falling, my head went a little dizzy. I felt like I was failing Kane. But, I had to snap out of it. We still had Clarke to worry about. I had to focus on what I could help with and right now it wasn't Kane.

"Let's go back," I took a deep breath. "We have a lot to talk about."

"Mhm," Bellamy hummed as we both turned to walk back to the common room.

"Thank God she's still in there. It would have destroyed Abby if she wasn't," Jackson voiced his relief. Bellamy and I just finished telling the rest of our group about Clarke still being alive.

"Question is, how do we get Josephine out?" Bellamy prompted.

"We need Raven," Echo stated. "She'll know what to do."

"Raven's not here," Madi's voice raised. Raven and Shaw had both gone up with the transport.

"We're gonna get her back," Bellamy reassured her.

"When the transport ship lands we'll already be in the field," I told to everyone. Bellamy and I had come up with this plan, we wanted to avoid hurting anyone else. "Josephine will be with us. We get her on the mothership so Jackson, Abby and Raven can do what they need to."

"What if they don't open the shield to let us out?" Miller raised a question.

"If they don't, Josephine dies," Echo answered.

There was a pause before Bellamy leaned a little further into our circle, "we need to keep this quiet, we can't have other Primes figure out-"

"They can't figure it out if they're dead," Madi cut in. All of us had baffled stares that landed on her. She turned to look at Bellamy, she wanted to explain her plan. "Once we kill the Primes, we take over Sanctum. We save Clarke here in the lab that was built for it."

"Is that your idea or Sheidheda's?" Bellamy interrogated. Bellamy told me what he knew about Sheidheda, it translated to the dark commander. Madi still had the flame in her head and Clarke aways stressed to her how important it was to train with that thing living in her head. Gaia told Bellamy that she's been having to deal with him mentally.

"Who cares if it works?" Madi challenged. "I've been surveilling the one named Miranda. We kill her and let them find the body. They'll think it's the Children of Gabriel and panic, locking themselves inside the palace, probably the great hall and that's where we'll be waiting to take out the rest."

It was a good plan if our goal was to annihilate people, but that was not in fact our goal.

"We're not killing Delilah," Jordan objected right away.

"Delilah's already dead," Madi shot back.

"We don't know that," Jordan stressed.

"You're right, but what we do know is I'm the commander," Madi asserted herself. When Jordan said nothing else, Madi turned her head to face Echo. "Echo thinks it's a good plan. Don't you, spy?"

"A little aggressive for the situation," Echo kept her voice level. "But it could work if we were willing to kill all of their people along with them when they come after us for killing their Gods."

Echo laid out the realities of Madi's plan. Madi took a breath and opened her mouth again, "we are."

"No we're not," Bellamy shut her down. "Gaia would tell you the same thing if she were here. We have until the ship lands to come up with a quiet way to get Clarke on it."

"Murphy and Emori?" I questioned Bellamy, I realized we never talked about that circumstance.

But, Bellamy had an answer, "for now, we tell them nothing."

"Emori too?" Echo quizzed.

"We have to assume that she's with him," Bellamy explained. "Don't worry. When it's time to go, we're taking them with us. Even if it's by force."

The group fell into a conversation about something else and I got up to get some water. As I walked over to the dispenser, I saw that Emori had come into the room.

"Kota, I was looking for you," she said when she saw me.

"Oo, what for?" I was intrigued.

"I need an Eligius shock collar, one of them that you and Bellamy brought off the transport ship," Emori gave me a grin.

"Sure," I agreed. "I'll be right back."

I ran up the stairs and went to grab what Emori was looking for. Once I had it, I went back down and handed it to her.

"What do you even need this thing for?" I asked as she took it from my hands.

"The circuitry will be useful in building our radiation shield," Emori replied.

"You guys can do so..." my voice trailed off. Emori wasn't even paying attention to me anymore. I followed her gaze and saw that she was watching our friends talking around the table.

"Emori? Are you alright?" I got her attention back.

"Hm, yeah," she mumbled as she looked back to me. "Thanks for this. I'll see you later."

"Bye Emori," I said before she turned around and started to walk away. I spun to continue over to the others, but Emori called out my name.

I approached her, she clearly had something to tell me. "Clarke's alive," she kept her voice low.

I cleared my throat quickly as I looked at her. Emori was part of our family too, I wasn't going to lie to her. "We already know."

Her eyebrows furrowed as I said this, "you knew and didn't tell me? Why?"

She knew why, she just wanted me to say it. "Because of Murphy," I stated.

Emori looked down to her feet just for a second and then moved her eyes back on me. "Never mind that, what are you doing about it?"

I hesitated with telling her our plan, but Emori hit me with new information. "You think you have time?" She asked me urgently. "Kota, they're wiping Clarke today. That's what the collar is for."

"Oh, shit," I breathed out. "They're making an EMP."

Emori nodded slowly and I whipped my body around, Bellamy was already watching me and stood up when he saw the look on my face. Emori and I walked over to the group. "Time line changed," I notified them.

"Fuck, we need a plan to get Clarke now," Bellamy's voice was even. "Something other than killing them."

"I may have an idea," I butted in.

"Good," Bellamy wasn't surprised when I said this. He looked around our small group for a moment before speaking again. "Where the hell is Madi?"

Everyone stayed quiet for a moment, nobody was keeping track of where she was. Stupid on our part, someone should have been hanging around her after we heard the plan that she came up with.

"I'll go look for her," Miller offered his help.

"I will too," Reese added. "You guys focus on this. Work out the plan while we find her."

Miller and Reese left our circle and began their search for Madi. I turned to face Emori once again, "we're gonna need your help. Are you willing to?"

Emori nodded to me to confirm she was. I then got to explaining the game plan that was brewing in my mind.

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