Gaia struck first, immediately after Octavia spoke. She kicked Indra in the side of her knee, I didn't see anything that happened next. I turned around quickly and grabbed an ax that was hanging from the gate. When I looked to the right of me, Bellamy was collecting the sword a few feet away.
I looked over towards Indra and Gaia as I ran to Bellamy's side. Both of us stood shoulder to shoulder with our weapons ready to use. We stood there as Indra nailed her elbow into Gaia's face, her and the spear clattered onto the floor.
With her daughter down, Indra turned towards Bellamy and I. I quickly looked over to Bellamy and signed my free hand to him, 'spread out. Harder for her.'
Bellamy nodded and we stepped apart from each other. Indra noticed this though and took off at us. She knew she'd have better odds if we were both in front of her.
Indra came at me first, she had a big hammer-like weapon. It looked extremely heavy. I noticed it was in her left hand too, I knew that wasn't her preferred side.
I ducked as she swung it sideways at my head. I got up before her swing landed all the way through and slammed my fist into her chin. Bellamy was right beside her now, landing his foot into her side. She stumbled back slightly, but held her ground.
Indra went after Bellamy, dodging his swipe of the sword and burying her fist into his cheek. I ran up from behind her and sliced her calf with my ax. It made Indra release her weapon from her grip. I moved to kick it away from us, so she wouldn't be able to just pick it right back up. I was able to do this, but she was able to turn around quick. Indra struck the side of my body with her foot.
I gasped from the contact, but kept myself from doubling over. I was about to retaliate, but Indra wasn't even looking at me. She ran past me actually, right before Bellamy was about to pierce her skin with his sword.
I turned around to see Gaia aiming the spear towards Octavia's seat. She spoke as she released the spear from her hand, "let the spirits of the commanders guide my hand."
I saw Indra take her down to the ground, but that didn't prevent the spear from sailing through the air. My eyes followed it as flew into Octavia's throne, missing her head by a few inches.
It all happened so fast, I was stunned. I felt frozen. Bellamy grabbed onto my arm and dragged me to stand slightly behind him as I watched Octavia stand and break free the spear from where it wedged itself.
The room was filled with eerie silence as Octavia approached the railing with the spear raised. She was pointing it directly at Gaia and I could see her step back out of fear. Octavia didn't launch it though, she just dropped it back into the pit.
"I said, be the last," she stated. I glared at her and caught her eyes for a moment, but the sound of the arena door opening grabbed all of my attention.
"Stop!" Monty yelled as he ran into the center of the pit. He was the last person I expected to see right now, but I couldn't be happier. He thought of a way to get us out.
"Monty get out of here!" Bellamy shouted at him, worried for his safety.
"Guards, take him!" I heard Octavia order from above us. No guards were going to be able to get in here though. Harper followed in after Monty, she locked the door from the inside.
"Octavia told you that we have to march. That we have to fight for the last place left where we can survive," Monty announced to everyone. I dropped the ax in my hand and replaced it with Bellamy's hand. "But she knows that's not true!"
I knew I missed out on more than I thought I did. I was locked away for a decent amount of time.
"Monty, you do not belong in there," Octavia stated to him.
Monty took the fabric cover off of what he was holding. What was under it, made my eyes go wide. It was the prettiest thing I've seen in a really long time.
"The hydrofarm is working again," he lifted the glass container that held a small blooming tree for everyone to see. "Soon it will be producing enough to feed us all here. Using the same techniques, we can grow crops in the wasteland. Ask Octavia, she's seen it with her own eyes."
Everyone stared and waited for a response as they murmured.
"Go to war if you want to. But at least tell them that they have a choice," Monty concluded. All of us continued to wait for her to say something, but she never did.
"Nou Blodreina nowe!" One man shouted. It translated to 'Blodreina no more!' Everyone began chanting it, making me look away from Octavia and to the people surrounding us. People began to rip down the fencing and jumped into the arena as they continued to repeat those words. Bellamy would not let go of my hand, he just wanted me to be next to him.
We watched as Indra approached the two of us, "you two fight well together."
Both Bellamy and I nodded our heads to her as a thank you. She left us to go to her daughter and Bellamy finally let my hand go when he noticed I was going to approach Monty.
"Apple blossom," I said to him as I examined the light pink flowers growing from the branches. "It's so beautiful."
I lifted my head with a gentle smile on my face. Monty had a similar one on his. He brought his free arm around my body to give me a side hug full of relief. We've always talked about how much better the Ring would be if we could just grow flowers, Monty accomplished something amazing here. I returned his embrace before I went over to Harper so I could hug her too. I found myself right back to hanging onto Bellamy again. We stood with our friends as the crowd continued their roaring.
I looked up to see if Octavia was watching us, but she wasn't. "Where did she go?" I asked the rest of our group as they all stared at the same empty throne.

Mother Earth // Bellamy Blake
FanfictionBellamy Blake X Dakota Solace • Dakota was sent down to earth as one of the 100. Her knowledge is put to the test on the ground as she makes a connection with her best friend's brother. • This will be following the storyline of The 100 series. I do...