Inside Man • 35

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I woke up to the harsh lights in med bay. I had a hard time remembering what had happened to me.

"You're awake!" I heard someone say from beside me. I turned my head to see that Octavia was sitting in a chair next to the cot I laid on. I looked around the entire room to see if anyone else was in here, but it was just her and some other patients.

"Where's Bellamy?" my voice was raspy. Octavia looked at me with confusion.

"He went to get into Mount Weather, remember?" She told me as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

Once she reminded me, I started to recall everything. I remembered why I was in here. Bear stood up from the floor next to Octavia, he was wagging his tail at the sight of me awake.

"Kota... who did this to you?" Octavia asked with a soft tone. I thought about not telling her, but I was too furious not to.

"Mason fucking Pierce," I grumbled. Octavia stood up when I told her, she looked like she wanted to kill him.

"I'll find your mom and Clarke, they'll be in here soon," she said to me. It was good to hear that Clarke had made it back.

"Wait. How long was I out?" I asked, I had no sense of time right now.

"Two days," Octavia answered. She left me alone with Bear for the time being. I managed to gather the strength to sit myself up. I wanted to see what my face looked like after the beating I took.

I shuffled over to a counter that had a ton of supplies on it and was pleased when I found a small mirror. When I saw my face I barely recognized myself.

I was covered in purple and green bruises. My left eye was so swollen, I realized I could barely see out of it. There were multiple cuts across my face, some with stitches and some with bandages.

I put the mirror down when I heard footsteps rushing in. My mom ran to me and quickly placed a kiss on the top of my head, "you should be resting."

"I was resting for two days," I said back to her. She was visibly in pain seeing me in this state. "Mom, I'm okay."

"I'll go get you some food and water," she told me. I watched her leave and then I looked to Clarke who held a pitiful expression.

"Follow me, someone was asking for you," she said. I had no idea who was asking for me, I thought it could possibly be the chancellor. Abby probably wanted to know what the hell happened to me. I was glad she didn't mention anything about my face though.

Bear and I followed Clarke into the room where Raven worked in. Raven turned around in her chair at our arrival while putting the walkie part of the radio down.

She gave me a small smile before the radio started to crackle with a familiar voice, "is she there? Raven?"

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and rushed to grab the radio.

"Bellamy?" I asked to make sure it was really him.

"Kota, I made it in. I'm okay," he responded. I closed my eyes at how relieved I was to hear him. "Are you doing okay?"

I didn't hesitate with my answer, "I'm doing just fine, I'm glad to hear your voice."

I figured Raven and Clarke didn't say a thing about my attack since he didn't mention it right off the bat.

"I'm happy to hear your's," he also sounded relieved.

"Get this damn thing over with," I told him.

"Working on it. I'll see you soon," his tone was sincere. Bellamy was no longer on the radio.

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