I looked and looked some more. He was no where that wasn't guarded. There was one place I didn't look, but there was a possibility he was there. I sped my way into the building that housed us. There was no one hanging around downstairs anymore, I noticed that as I ran up the stairs.
Once I got to our room door, I quickly pulled it open and stepped in. I scanned every inch and saw no Bellamy, so I went over to the bathroom to see if he was maybe in there. When I saw that he wasn't, I could feel my face heat up.
My body instinctually spun around at the sound of footsteps entering. My eyes instantly met Clarke's and I tried to lunge at her. I wasn't quick enough, she had pulled a contraption up to her lips and blew something very sharp out of it.
I knew it was sharp because it struck me in my neck. My neck burned in pain until I couldn't feel it anymore, actually until I couldn't feel anything anymore. My entire body collapsed to the ground, the only things I could move were my eyeballs and nothing else. The only thing I could feel was my heart thumping, it sent my mind into an instant panic. It was so loud in my ears, making them throb.
My eyes followed as Clarke's body crouched in front of me, "I heard about how good of a fighter you are, so I wasn't going to take any chances."
It was Clarke's voice, but it wasn't Clarke. This made me flashback to when Raven was Alie. It felt the same in such a terrifying way.
"It's funny how you instantly figured out I wasn't her when you first saw me," Clarke continued as my eyes bounced around. I felt like I was going to have a panic attack and not being able to move was making it worse. "You figured it out before her own mom did, actually Abby still hasn't. I knew I needed to keep an eye on you."
She stood up and continued to stare down at me as she paused. "You didn't believe yourself, that's why you kept your mouth shut."
It wasn't entirely true, I did believe myself when my instincts told me something was going on with Clarke. But the problem was that I didn't want to believe myself, I wanted to make myself believe something else.
"You probably figured out which Prime I am too," she pointed out. She was right too, I knew she was Josephine. She was Russell's daughter, of course he would bring her back. "Which really makes me not like you."
That was it, she said nothing else. Josephine walked away from me and two guards came into my view. They picked up my limp body and tugged me along. Everything I saw through my eyes was blurry because of how my head was bouncing.
I was officially freaking out, I felt trapped in my head. My thoughts were loud and my heart was picking up the pace. I tried to make out where we were going and then we came to a stop in front of a guarded circular door. When it swung open, I got a glimpse of who was sitting in there and felt instant relief for a moment.
Bellamy was sitting down in the room, but stood at the sight of me. "What did you do to her?" His voice growled toward Josephine.
"Relax," I could see her fingers tangling themselves in her hair as the guards lowered me to lay on the ground. "It was the same thing you got, she'll be fine. She's smaller than you though so it'll be a few hours until she's back to normal."
Did she just say hours? I could not be in this state for hours, I think my mind will drive me to go bat shit. The thumping in my ear began to alarm me once again. I watched one of the guards grab my arm and place it onto a leather cuff attached to a chain that was built into the floor.
"Don't have too much fun in here," Josephine said to Bellamy. I couldn't see the doorway, I was facing the back wall but I did hear footsteps walking away and a lock click.

Mother Earth // Bellamy Blake
FanfictionBellamy Blake X Dakota Solace • Dakota was sent down to earth as one of the 100. Her knowledge is put to the test on the ground as she makes a connection with her best friend's brother. • This will be following the storyline of The 100 series. I do...