Test Or War • 146

489 18 1

When Bellamy and I reentered the rotunda, there was dust settling everywhere. Most of our people were in here, but not all. As we got down the ramp, I could see stunned faces covering all of them. I took inventory in my mind as to who was here and who wasn't.

"What happened?" Bellamy bellowed, not wanting to wait for an explanation.

I felt a little bit better knowing Octavia was here with us. She gave us a summary of the events, "Madi took herself to Bardo. They sent a bomb through the bridge and Miller threw it in there."

I looked in the direction Octavia pointed to, the doorway was completely collapsed. Concrete rubble and iron rods blocked the only path to get in or out. That meant we had people trapped in there, lots of people including Murphy, Emori, Reese, Echo, Jackson and Niylah. This was an absolute nightmare.

"We can still get to Madi," Clarke spoke up while dumping the two blue nano tracking pills in her hand.

Gaia ran up to her, "Clarke, we have to think this through."

"Gaia's right. Only the second pill's for me," Octavia butt in.

"O, you are not going back there," Bellamy immediately rejected.

She turned to look at the two of us, "I have to, Bell. We're gonna need an inside man." I felt Bellamy tense next to me, but he didn't object to his sister a second time.

"Good," Clarke said while giving Octavia the remaining pill. "Let's do this then."

Both of them swallowed the trackers and we all expected for them to light up green and disappear, but they didn't. "Cadogan disappeared right away. Why isn't this working?" Clarke questioned.

"Maybe somebody had to be waiting in Bardo to pull you through," Hope offered an explanation.

"They don't want you to come," I spoke up. "If I were them, I wouldn't let you two come either."

Clarke hit a breaking point, she marched over to the destroyed doorway to try and clear the concrete. It was no surprise when it wouldn't budge.

"Clarke," Indra voice her name.

"We have to get to Madi! Cadogan could be digging into her brain right now!" Clarke stressed.

I walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder, which got her to stop clawing at the debris. "We'll find a way to get her back to us, but this isn't going to work. We have friends we need to get out of there too. Raven could have fixed the helmet, we just need to find a way to get to them."

I turned to look at Bellamy, "Apollo and Artemis might be able to pull some of this away." I could see a small grin on Octavia's face when I said the horses name's, she knew that her brother was to blame for that.

"They could, but what if it makes it worse. The bunker could collapse more from the top without the rubble holding it up," Bellamy brought up a valid point. He's been paying attention to anything architecture related I've told him.

"I'm guessing those iron rods line this entire place within the concrete. I don't think the bomb would have been able to destroy all of them in there, so hopefully the rest of them can hold whatever's left. We'll do one piece at a time, I'll be able to tell if it will get worse as we go," I detailed.

"Alright, let's get them," Bellamy agreed. The two of us went to collected our horses and brought them back into the bunker. We strategically started to tie rope around their bodies so they could work comfortably while the others in the rotunda conversed.

"My inside man is really taking his time," Octavia sighed in an impatient tone.

"We should discuss the plan," Indra said. "Clarke and Octavia bring us over. We get Madi and kill their leader."

Mother Earth // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now