"I've never seen anything like this before," I told Bellamy, standing next to him as I was mesmerized by the red light of the flares. He didn't say anything to me right away, he was just watching the same show I was. The last flare took off, slowly losing its light as it sailed further into the atmosphere.
"This has to work," I said mostly to myself, but Bellamy turned to look at me.
He took a moment before saying anything, "I hope you get to see your parents soon, Kota."
I nodded my head and pressed my lips into a thin line. I didn't look over to him though, I didn't want Bellamy to see that what he said made tears well up in my eyes. I really hope these flares did the job.
I was laying down on a stack of blankets inside of a hut I adopted as my own. I tried to fall asleep, but my eyes wouldn't even close. My mind wouldn't shut up that my parents could possibly be dead.
I shot my head up as the sound of the thick curtain door flapped open.
"You're up," Bellamy stated more than asked.
"What's going on?" I asked, noticing the panic in his face.
"Have you seen Octavia? I can't find her anywhere here," he inquired, fully entering my space. This made me think back to the last time I saw her. It was before I went to check out Raven's ship. I stood up at the realization that that was a while ago.
"No, let's look around camp one more time. Hopefully she's here," I was kind of freaking out. I can't believe I didn't notice she was gone, I felt really guilty. Bellamy left my hut and I followed to start searching with him.
We spent the next thirty minutes searching every crevice of the camp, no Octavia anywhere. I felt my breathing start to quicken unintentionally. I began to feel dizzy due to the anxiety that took a hold of me. I scurried out of the drop ship to get fresh air to help with this heavy feeling.
Once I exited, I stopped in place to take a few deep breaths before the attack on myself got out of hand. A couple seconds later, my breathing evened out and there was a warmth on my shoulder.
I looked down to see Bellamy's hand resting on me, "she's not here, we need to go out there."
As soon as he said this, we went back to gather up people willing to join our search.
"Everyone grab a weapon!" Bellamy announced to the group of people. "My sister has been out there for twelve hours. We are not coming back here without her."
I caught a glimpse of Jasper, his face one of defeat and fear. I watched closely as Clarke approached him, but their conversation was short and Jasper continued on his way to grab a weapon. My feet mindlessly walked to him, next thing I knew my arms were wrapped around him.
"We'll be okay, we'll find her," I promised the shaken boy. I feel like we both needed to hear it.
I pulled away from the hug as I heard mumbling around us grow. When I looked around, everyone was gazing up at the sky. My eyes drifted upwards and it seemed like a meteor shower was happening, but I knew it wasn't.
My heart fell into my stomach, "the flares didn't work."
The meteor shower was actually bodies, the Ark went through with sending three hundred people to their death.
"Bellamy!" I called when I came across ripped fabric hanging off a bush. I knew it was hers, it looked like the material of the jacket she was wearing from when I last saw her.
Bellamy immediately saw what I called him over for and wasted no time.
"Rope," he demanded. Once he got it, he threw it down the steep opening in the ground. "Flashlight."
Then he grabbed onto the rope to aid him down. Jasper and I exchanged glances right before we both followed after Bellamy. I went to kneel next to Bellamy when I finished my climb down, he was examining fresh blood on the ground. This worried me, but I also noticed something else.
"Someone else was with her, they were carrying her," I told him and Jasper.
"How do you know?" Bellamy asked, wanting proof. I pointed to the foot steps in the mud. They were large, much larger than Octavia's feet. They were heavy as well, sunken deep into the mushy dirt.
"If they took her, that means she's alive. Like they did with me," Jasper chipped in. We found nothing else in that area, so we continued back up the rope to keep looking.
I was staring at my feet as we went on, not noticing that everyone was coming to a halt. I ran right into Bellamy's back since he stopped abruptly in front of me. He barely acknowledged that I rammed into him, his eyes were focused on something else. I looked out to see corpses hung up like decor, my face started to tingle with nerves.
"I don't speak grounder, but I'm pretty sure this means keep out," I could hear Finn say. Most people began to leave due to the frightening set up.
"Go back if you want. My sister my responsibility," Bellamy said, adding the last part with a determined tone. There was no way I was going back if Octavia was here, so I stayed behind Bellamy as he trudged through.
After a while of walking, Finn expressed, "we lost the trail, we should back track."
"No, there's no time," Bellamy replied. I stopped walking, I felt like I was being watched. I stepped back to look around, but my attention was grabbed by the body plummeting from the tree above me. I stood frozen with wide eyes seeing John's dead figure land inches away from my feet. He was one of us.
Bellamy marched towards me as Finn said, "they're using the trees."
Bellamy grabbed my arm and pulled me to him, making sure I wasn't out of his sight anymore. All of us were looking around frantically as we saw more and more figures appear to surround us.
"We should run," Finn advised. At that, everybody took off. Bellamy never let go of my arm as we sprinted through the trees ahead of us. I've never ran so fast in my life, Bellamy's grip on me helped with my speed.
"Stop!" I yelled at the boy ahead of us, seeing that there was a trip wire he was heading straight into. My warning wasn't enough, he triggered the wire and was instantly impaled. The sight made me stumble backwards, Bellamy's grasp was the only thing holding me up.
I watched as Roma, another girl in the group, scream and continue to run off. I managed to stabilize myself quickly and saw Bellamy on high alert.
"They're leading us here, it's the only place we can run," Jasper said between his panting. We all collectively noticed that they were no longer around us, so we took off to find where Roma had ran to.
I escaped Bellamy's firm hand that hasn't let go of me this whole time when I saw Roma's figure against a tree.
"Roma?" I said as I found my way to the other side of the tree. Her eyes were wide, but lifeless. Blood dripped from her chin, a spear through her heart. I tried to push back the wetness growing in my eyes as I shut her's.
"They're back," Finn's voice was close, I knew they had all caught up to me. Bellamy spun me around so I could face where the threat was coming from. I reached into my pocket, grabbing the knives I kept with me at all times.
They quickly retreated, before they could advance, at the sound of a horn.
"What was that?" I asked while watching the grounders run off.
Finn was already pulling a tarp out of his pack, "get under. It's acid fog."

Mother Earth // Bellamy Blake
FanfictionBellamy Blake X Dakota Solace • Dakota was sent down to earth as one of the 100. Her knowledge is put to the test on the ground as she makes a connection with her best friend's brother. • This will be following the storyline of The 100 series. I do...