"I'll go get Echo," I told Bellamy as everyone was getting ready to get in the rocket. She knew we were leaving right now, so I wondered why she wasn't here. Bellamy acknowledged what I said and I made my way to her room.
I knocked lightly on the door as I entered, she turned and I could see that her face held uncertainty.
"Ready to go?" I asked her.
"What's going to happen to all of us once we're down there?" She asked me.
I stepped towards her, I knew she was concerned about what it meant for her being down there again. "Nothing will change between all of us Echo. We're family now, you know this."
"I don't think you're right this time. I'm still banished. Octavia won't forget that," Echo expressed.
"Probably not, but it's been six years. You've changed," I tried to ease her worries.
"It took you and Bellamy three years to forgive me for what I've done. I almost killed Octavia," Echo stated.
I sighed before I spoke again, "if Bellamy and I trust you, she will too. Let's just worry about getting down there first."
Echo nodded and grabbed her small pack of stuff. We made our way back to the hangar and Bellamy handed us our suits. Once we were geared up, we all took our spots in the rocket. Raven shut the door and fired it up, we were now on our way to Eligius IV.
When we got close enough to the ship, Raven said, "it must be a mining ship."
"Mining in space?" Harper asked.
"I've heard stories," Monty claimed. "Mission sent to mine asteroids or search for habitable planets, but that was a hundred years ago."
"They got back somehow," Bellamy chipped in. "Means they must have fuel."
"Hopefully it's the right fuel," I added.
"It looks like one of it's engines is destroyed," Raven mentioned as we circled the ship.
"There's the docking bay," Emori pointed out.
"Wait, what if they're still in there?" I questioned.
"If there was still people inside and they saw us trying to get in, they would have shot us out of the sky already," Echo responded.
"Alright here we go people," Raven gave us a heads up. "Firing thrusters in three, two, one."
The rocket jolted us in our seats as it took off towards the ship. Raven was giving orders to Emori, "as soon as I line up with the hap, it's all yours."
A short minute passed before Emori announced that we were in alignment.
"The nav is yours. It's just like the simulator," Raven tried to calm any nerves Emori had.
"Copy that," Emori replied.
"Grounders don't say copy that," Murphy interrupted her focus.
"This one does," Emori shot back. "Initiating docking sequence."
"Murphy can you just be quiet for literally a second?" I asked rhetorically. I was nervous too and Murphy's comments weren't helping.
Emori was now trying to navigate the rocket into the dock, but an alarm started to go off.
"Why are we losing alignment?" Raven stressed.
"I lost stabilization," Emori gave her a reason. "I don't know!"
I shut my eyes, my heart was beating so fast. I couldn't handle the anxiety.
"Okay, okay I got it! Switching back to manual," Raven announced. Bellamy grabbed onto my hand while the rocket crashed into the docking bay. We stopped moving and I opened my eyes, I just realized how hard I was gripping Bellamy's hand. Finally, I was able to take in a deep breath.
I released Bellamy's hand and took my helmet off, the others did the same. "Alright, let's go get that fuel," Bellamy said while standing up. He helped me exit through the rocket hatch before he followed me out.

Mother Earth // Bellamy Blake
FanfictionBellamy Blake X Dakota Solace • Dakota was sent down to earth as one of the 100. Her knowledge is put to the test on the ground as she makes a connection with her best friend's brother. • This will be following the storyline of The 100 series. I do...