"Two pillboxes, just like Echo said," Bellamy stated as he looked through the scope of his gun. I was right next to him looking at the same thing.
Shortly after, rapid gun shots fired in the distance. "That's our signal," I said to both Bellamy and Octavia. I pulled up my gun to look closer at the pillboxes. We were now just waiting for McCreary's men to vacate their posts here to give us an opening.
I watched patiently as the prisoner's left their spots to talk to each other. Soon after, they left their positions to go to where the gunfire was coming from.
"It's working," Bellamy announced. "They're moving out." Octavia stood up and pulled her sword up into the air. It was a signal for the rest of our army that it was time.
Bellamy and I marched side by side behind Octavia as we continued through the massive gorge we were in. After a few minutes, all gunfire stopped but we continued forward.
"Bellamy, they're not shooting anymore," I said to him in a low voice. "Something's wrong."
"They could have taken them all out," he offered a possibility as he looked over to me. I gave him a small nod, trying to stay optimistic about our plan.
We continued forward until all of a sudden, we were being shot at. Chaos instantly broke out.
"Attack!" Octavia roared. I went to lift my gun up to start shooting, but I couldn't even see where to shoot. Before I could even fire a round, Bellamy shoved me. He shoved me hard, I hit the ground behind a huge boulder. Bellamy was panting and talking to me quickly.
"Stay right here! I'll come get you!" Bellamy yelled to me over the deafening sound of machine guns and rifles.
"No! Bellamy!" I screamed back at him while he turned to run off. I knew he was going to get Octavia out of the crossfire. I could see him running right to her.
I looked around frantically, trying to find where our opponents were shooting from. They were spread out in front of us, up on high ground. I set my gun up on top of the boulder and peered through the scope. As soon as one of the prisoners came into my view, I fired. I took three of them out and only used five bullets. My aim had improved under the pressure apparently. I looked back over to find Bellamy, there were bodies and blood scattered all around us.
I noticed a good amount of Wonkru was running back and retreating, going against Octavia's orders to advance. Bellamy was trying to pull Octavia away, but she was reluctant. At least they had cover behind a small mountain of rocks. I looked through my scope once more, I saw one man aiming one of their large guns. It was the same type they used to obliterate the fountain in Polis. Those things were no joke. I shot before he could, I could see his body collapse and the machine land on top of him through my scope. I was grateful Bellamy gave me one of the best guns we had, it was a sniper. Way better aim than the other rifles.
Unfortunately, that wasn't the only man with that type of weapon. A blast went off and struck the ground right in front of where Bellamy and Octavia were crouching.
Both of them flew in the air from the force of the explosion. My eyes went so wide, I thought they would pop out of my head.
I belted a scream. I've never heard a noise like that escape my body, ever. I never saw where he landed, there was dust and blood everywhere. I literally felt my heart gushing. I needed to find him.
There was a big chance he was still alive. It's hard to kill Bellamy if we're being honest. But I mostly thought this because that blast didn't directly hit him, or Octavia. I started running, make that sprinting. There were bullets whizzing past me everywhere, but I was filled with so much emotion I wouldn't be able to tell if I got hit until I was dead.
"Bellamy!" I cried his name as I looked at the bodies I passed by. I don't know how many times I called his name, but I never got a response. Through my searching, I eventually came to a stop. A towering wall of rock blocked my path, I turned quickly to look behind me. I had walked the entire length of the gorge already.
But more importantly, the dust settled and I could see Bellamy. He was laying face first in the sand and Octavia was right there next to him. I stood frozen, looking for somewhere to hide. The gunfire had slowed down, but that's because they had less people to hit. There was a crevice in the cliff a few feet away, closer to where Bellamy was. I booked it and slivered my body in.
I looked back over to the siblings, Octavia was moving her head and attempting to get up. That was until Bellamy's arm reached out to hold her down. The relief that flooded through me was unreal, they were both alive.
"Bellamy!" I called out. His head turned on the ground to face me at my voice. His face showed he was filled with the same amount of relief I was. But, it was also filled with terror.
He signed his hand to me discreetly, 'you are shot.'
'No. I am okay,' I signed back to him.
'Arm,' he made it simple. I looked down and checked both my arms. The outer edge of my left arm had blood staining my ripped jacket.
"Shit," I mumbled to myself as I began to take my jacket off. It didn't hurt right now, probably because of the adrenaline. I took my t-shirt off as well, leaving me in only a tank top. I wrapped the thin shirt around my bleeding arm after I gave it a quick examination. Once I secured my wrap, I put my jacket back on and looked back over to Bellamy.
'Graze. I am fine,' I told him honestly. Before he got the chance to motion back to me, I kept going. 'Do not move. Wait for night."
I heard footsteps picking up in the sand and shot my head over to see what was going on. Two members of Wonkru were trying to make a run for it. They didn't get far at all, both of them were gunned down within five steps.
I lifted my chin upwards so I didn't have to watch their lifeless bodies hit the dirt. When I looked up, I could see all the way up. I could see the sky and clouds.
I turned my head to Bellamy, he noticed what I was looking at. 'No,' his hand moved aggressively.
Then I swore I could hear barking. I looked up to where it came from and back to him frantically. Bellamy's face confirmed I wasn't making Bear's bark up in my mind.
'I will get you out of here. Do not get yourself killed,' I signed my hands in a way to make me look extremely serious about this.
He was hesitant for a few moments, but he eventually slowly nodded his head. He bent his middle and ring finger down to connect with his thumb. He always signed 'I love you' wrong, when I first was teaching him this he thought this way was cooler. Then I told Bellamy that my mom mentioned that the hand sign he was doing actually meant something like 'rock on.' He never did it correctly after I told him that.
'I love you,' I signaled back to him. I strapped my gun back around my body and began my climb. It was going to be intense, especially with my arm injury. But I was strong, physically stronger than I've ever been in my whole life. I locked my foot into a divot in the rock and started my journey up.

Mother Earth // Bellamy Blake
FanfictionBellamy Blake X Dakota Solace • Dakota was sent down to earth as one of the 100. Her knowledge is put to the test on the ground as she makes a connection with her best friend's brother. • This will be following the storyline of The 100 series. I do...