Raven and I were back to leading Bellamy around Mount Weather on the radio. Bellamy was worrying about the people in Tondc over the comm, asking Raven if they had evacuated.
"Clarke will get it done. Stop worrying about your sister," Raven slipped out. My eyes went wide with her words.
"My sister is there? Kota? Why didn't you tell me?" His voice was angry and my heartbeat sped up.
Raven spoke back before I could, "Clarke didn't give her the choice to, don't blame her. I know you're worried, but you have to focus."
Now my guilt has gone through the roof. I should have told him about Octavia and I should have told him what happened with me.
"Let's just get this done," Bellamy sighed through the microphone.
Once Bellamy got into the mechanical room, Raven started directing him what wires to pull and put together.
"How do I know this is even working?" Bellamy sounded frustrated. We could hear alarms ring from his end and an announcement saying 'level five containment breach.'
"That's how," I answered.
"I won't be able to talk while I'm doing this, I'll check in a few hours," Bellamy notified.
"Okay, be safe," I said to him sincerely. I turned to look at Raven as I set the radio down, I was exhausted and my face was throbbing.
"I'm going to check in with my mom, come get me if he radios or if you need anything," I told her. All this worrying and thinking wore me out, I just wanted to be near my mom.
"Good, I was just going to tell you to get some rest," Raven responded with a little smirk. I waved Bear on to follow me as I got up from the chair and walked out of the room.
I weaved through the hallways until I got to med bay, I assumed my mom was in here and I was right. She was organizing the cluttered cabinets as Bear ran up to her and raised his paw up to her thigh.
"Oh just who I needed to see," my mom smiled at Bear as she leaned down to scratch his ears. She looked up to me while I made my way over to them. "You look tired."
"Exhausted," I sighed out. "Have you eaten yet?"
"No, I've been wrapped up in here," my mom looked around the room. "Let's go get some food in you."
My mom and I ate together and enjoyed the company of each other. She went on and on about what Jackson has been teaching her, I tired to listen but my mind just wouldn't stop worrying.
"Honey, I know you haven't been listening to me," my mom finally snapped me out of my zoned state.
"I'm sorry," I replied to her. "I just can't stop thinking about if he's okay or if Octavia will be alright in Tondc."
"I know," my mom sympathized. "Right now, there's not much you can do for them. Just believe they're going to be okay. Waiting games are not fun, which is why you should go help with the gardening."
"Gardening? Now?" I questioned.
"Yes. You need a distraction and you're obviously not interested in sleep," she half laughed. "Go help with the food we grow, I think you'll actually enjoy doing it."
I sat there for a moment to think about what she said. There really was nothing else to do except worry so I might as well worry while providing support for the camp, "alright fine. Bear needs time outside anyways."
"Great, find me later to tell me how right I was," my mom joked with a light smile.
"Yeah, yeah," I rolled my eyes as I giggled. I gave my mom a hug before finding my way outside. When I got over to our crops, the two people already working welcomed me to help right away.

Mother Earth // Bellamy Blake
FanfictionBellamy Blake X Dakota Solace • Dakota was sent down to earth as one of the 100. Her knowledge is put to the test on the ground as she makes a connection with her best friend's brother. • This will be following the storyline of The 100 series. I do...