Chipped • 51

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I hadn't moved from my spot since Kane had left and that was an hour ago. I needed time to myself, I did not want to be around anyone. I only got that hour though because I heard a rover getting close to where we were. I saw the headlights bouncing through the trees until it halted to a stop.

"They're here," I said as the others started to gather because of the noise. Everyone was drawing their weapons out. I was not prepared to see who came out of the vehicle. Jasper jumped out of the driver's seat while Clarke got out of the passenger side. I had no idea how they found each other, Jasper was at Arkadia and I didn't really know where Clarke had left to.

I stood there with wide eyes as I asked, "what happened?"

Jasper was erratic and running to the back of the rover. I followed behind him and noticed Bellamy was beside me now. I felt a rush in my head as Jasper revealed a passed out Raven laying in the back.

"Get her inside the cave now! Before she wakes up, she can't know where we are!" Jasper yelled.

Bellamy slung her over his shoulder and hurried her into the cave. I followed him toward the cave but stopped when I saw Octavia. She had a bag packed, she looked like she was about to leave.

"We need you," I told her as our eyes glared at each other. I left her standing there, this was her decision. I wasn't going to stop her from leaving, I just wanted her to know that I wanted her here.

Once I got into the cave, I saw Bellamy setting her on the ground.

"Jasper, what is going on?" I questioned him. I was actually pretty scared of what was happening because I didn't know anything about it.

"Raven is not Raven. None of them are. They're all Alie," Jasper explained. I looked over to the entrance of the cave to see Octavia walk back in. I was glad she chose to stay.

"Jaha has been chipping everyone," Jasper continued. I only ran into Jaha for like one second in Arkadia, that's why I never noticed this.

"Jasper's right, I've seen it," Clarke confirmed.

This ticked Jasper off because he pointed at her aggressively and yelled, "I don't need your help! Alright?"

Bellamy stepped to Jasper, "take it easy and explain."

Jasper calmed down enough to tell us more, "Jaha is using the chips to control everyone. If you swallow it, it changes you. You forget who you are and you see Alie. Raven tried to get it out of her head and Alie made her slit her wrists. I was trying to help her."

Jasper was crying which made tears well up in my eyes. We had to figure out a way to get this chip out of her.

Sinclair stepped to Jasper, "she said she wanted to get it out? How?"

"She was working on something. She needed one of the wrist bands but Jaha destroyed all of them," Jasper answered.

"Wait, did the chip look like this," Clarke asked and she held something small and white out for us to see. Jasper went to get a closer look, but was stopped when Raven suddenly started running out of the cave. All of us chased her so she wouldn't go far. We struggled to hold her still once we grabbed on, but Jasper solved that problem by injecting her with a reaper stick. Raven went limp as her eyes shut.

"Alie knows where we are now and I know where we can get a wrist band," Clarke announced.

"Let's get her in the rover, we have to go now," Bellamy said to everyone. Once everyone loaded up, we took off.

When we arrived I knew where we were. We came here once when we were searching for Clarke. As the rover came to a stop, I saw the grounder woman standing outside with a sword in hand. Bellamy and Clarke jumped out to handle it, I would have gone too but Bear was groaning. I noticed he was staring at Raven, she looked like she was stirring awake.

"Get her in there now! She's waking up," I notified everyone that was around. I made sure I was loud enough for Bellamy and Clarke to hear because we had to get in there right now. I watched Sinclair pick her up and start heading to the building.

I ran after him and saw Bellamy raise his gun to the grounder woman, "move! We need to get in!"

She ended up stepping aside and we all ran in past her.

"My mom was here. If she got chipped, Alie will know where we are," I could hear Monty from behind me.

"We're putting her in the back," Clarke told him. Raven started thrashing around once Sinclair set her down on the mattress.

"Tie her down," I told everyone as I grabbed her leg. I took a long piece of fabric someone had handed me and began restraining her kicking leg to the bed frame. Raven was screaming for us to let her go as we secured her. This wasn't Raven, her cries sounded demonic almost.

She continued to scream as we waited for Clarke to convince Nylah to give us the wrist band. Bellamy was standing in front of the closed door to the room Raven was in. He stared at me as I walked up to him.

"Did you know this was happening in there?" I asked him quietly.

"Not like this," he answered honestly.

"You should have told me what you did know," I said with a steady tone. He's left me in the dark way too many times now.

He knew it too because he never fought back on my words. Clarke interrupted by putting the bracelet down on the counter. Now we just needed to figure out what Raven was thinking of doing with it.

"How do we do this?" I asked to Monty and Sinclair.

Sinclair already had an answer, "we're thinking Raven wanted to use it to generate an EMP. It's brilliant."

"Meaning what?" Bellamy asked, wanting him to get to the point.

"The EMP could destroy the chips circuitry. We can use this to send an EMP through Raven's nervous system," Sinclair detailed. He continued talking but it was words I could barely understand.

"Can this hurt her?" I interrupted Sinclair.

"EMP's don't affect our bodies. But I don't know how this chip is integrated with her brain," Sinclair answered.

Bellamy looked to me as he spoke, "this is Raven's plan. She wouldn't do it if it was going to destroy her brain."

"Depends how bad she wanted it out," I looked to Octavia as she spoke.

"It doesn't matter, we don't have an electro magnet so nothing will work," Sinclair pointed out.

"Where can we get one?" I asked another question.

"The Ark," Sinclair said. "Every station has one for maneuvering the thrusters."

"So would the drop ship have one?" I inquired. The drop ship had thrusters too.

"Yes," Monty responded immediately. "I'll go get it. You all need to stay here and figure out how this works."

"I'm coming with you, let's go," Octavia decided before anyone could disagree. They left out the door within seconds.

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