Start Of A Bad Habit • 81

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Two Months After Praimfaya

I forced myself to get up from the bed I haven't moved off of in hours. I was so thirsty and Bellamy wasn't in here, so I couldn't ask him to get water for me. Being on the Ring gave my leg the time it needed to heal up completely. Although there would probably always be a dull pain there, my leg was fully functional.

I had a hard time falling asleep lately. As more time passed up here, the more my depression grew. I was haunted by the sight of a scorched Earth outside the space station window. Memories of what we have done and gone through pulsed in my mind constantly. I couldn't escape it here, I felt trapped being in space again.

I lazily made my way through the halls to get where we had our water. When I entered the room I was met with Monty. He was always working away in here, he got the farm to start producing algae now.

Monty smiled at my presence, "good to see you up."

"I just need some water," I said tiredly back to him. Monty finished twisting the lids onto a the few thermoses in front of him before handing me a container of water.

I drank most of the water it held and when I finished I questioned him, "what are those?"

He saw my eyes on the thermoses and answered, "moonshine."

I half laughed at the fact that he was spending time making alcohol. But I was also kind of glad he did.

"Can I take one?" I asked, knowing he wouldn't say no to me. He grabbed one of them and held it out for me to take.

"Don't drink much of it, that stuff is brutal," Monty warned as I took it from him.

"Thanks," I replied. "Have you seen Bellamy?"

"I think he's training," Monty answered. I nodded to him and left the room. I started back to my room, but I ended up turning around to head towards another. I've rarely seen Murphy since we got up here, he wouldn't let anyone near him. I thought if I had something to offer he'd let me talk to him.

As I approached his room, I could see Emori storming away from it. She looked extremely frustrated.

"Good luck," she mumbled as she marched past me. I decided to continue into the room anyways. When I entered, Murphy was sitting on the floor with his back against the wall. His face was in his hands so he couldn't see who I was.

"Leave Emori," he immediately stated when he heard me shut the door behind myself.

"I'm not Emori," I replied. My voice made his head lift up, his face looked as run down as mine did.

"Get out Kota," Murphy sounded defeated.

I held out the thermos in my hand, "but I have booze."

This got him to change his mind because he didn't tell me to leave anymore. I grabbed a cup I spotted on a night stand and sat down on the floor in front of him. I poured a serving into the cup and then another into the lid of the thermos.

"You look like shit," Murphy blurted out to me as I finished pouring the moonshine.

I handed him the small cup as I responded, "so do you."

Mother Earth // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now