Choice For Survival • 98

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I was chained to a pipe in a gated room. There was no point in trying to fight my way out of this, I would never be able to.

I thought about how I screamed at Bear to stay with Bellamy. He didn't want to, he was trying to follow me. He was probably terrified that I was leaving him behind again.

I also thought about what Bellamy was doing. Where he was and who he was talking to. Whether or not he had a plan to get me out of here.

If Octavia was willing to execute me herself, then I've lost her completely. It drove my mind crazy that I wasn't able to help her through whatever trauma she's endured in the bunker. I hated myself for not being in there with her, I hated myself for not being able to figure out what made her this way.

My pacing and my worries exhausted me. After an hour of it, I decided to lay down on the floor. My eyes automatically shut and I fell into a deep sleep immediately, completely against my will.

What woke me up was the sounds of the gated door squeaking open. Bellamy rushed in and engulfed me into a hug.

"Be quick," Indra said from the door, she was the one who let him in to see me.

When I pulled away, I could see that something was bothering him. I wondered how long I was asleep for, it must've been hours.

"Are you okay?" This was the first thing Bellamy said to me.

"I'm alright," I assured him. I could tell he had something to update me on, but he looked as if he didn't want to say it. "Bellamy?"

"Octavia arrested Clarke too. She knew she was in on it," Bellamy revealed. I felt my heart skip a beat, Octavia was either going to execute us both or put us in that fighting arena and there was no way I was going to fight Clarke to the death. "That's not it though."

"You can tell me Bellamy," I could sense his hesitation in continuing.

"I poisoned Octavia," he paused before continuing. I was shocked at what he just said, but I knew he did it because he felt like he had no other choice. "I did it with Monty's algae. I couldn't let her do anything to you, I had to protect you. She was going to kill you, Kota. I had to do it."

"Shh, I know I know," I calmed down his rambling. I could see how much pain this situation caused him. He had to poison his own sister to save my life. I felt horrible that all of this was practically my fault, I was trying so hard to keep my tears back right in this moment. "Monty's algae will only put her in a coma. Remember? It doesn't kill. She will be okay I promise you."

"Indra is going to take over for Octavia right now. Once she does, we'll surrender. You and I get to live in that valley where you can replant those flowers you always talked about. Where Bear can run through the grass and swim in the lake," Bellamy said to me while giving a half smile. "But I can't let you out yet. It's too risky until Indra is in charge. As soon as it's done I'll be right back in here to get you."

"On the Ring I told you that I would always be on your side, no matter what. What happened with Octavia was for all of us to have peace," I stated softly. He nodded gently to me, I knew he needed to hear that from me. What he did to Octavia was probably one of the most difficult things he's ever had to do.

"Is Bear okay?" I asked, I noticed he wasn't with Bellamy when he came in.

"He's safe, he's with Madi for now," Bellamy answered.

"Good, now go. I'll be right here when you come back," I told him. Bellamy placed a warm kiss on my forehead before he left the room.

If all of that was able to happen while I was asleep, then I definitely slept for a few hours at least. I felt better too, more energized than before. I needed the sleep and was pretty happy that I got the down time to recollect.

Mother Earth // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now