Proof • 31

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I couldn't stop pacing as we waited for Finn and Abby to get back. I could tell it was driving Bellamy nuts because he tried to get me to stop multiple times. Bellamy had ended up bringing Bear to this level to maybe help me stop, but Bear just sat next to Octavia. I swear that dog could feel other people's emotions.

Finally, Finn and Abby made it. She immediately got to work, trying to do anything she could to help save him. This didn't even calm my nerves. I knew Clarke was negotiating with the commander and I had a feeling they weren't going to believe anything she said without seeing proof. That's when Nyko caught sight of Finn.

"You!" He howled, launching towards Finn. His hands were tightly wrapped around his throat. Bellamy struggled to fight him off of him. Abby threw me the electrical prod to get Nyko off.

I hit him in the side of his stomach and I hit him hard. He instantly doubled over and went still.

"His heart stopped beating," Abby said while starting compressions on Lincoln. This grabbed all of our attention, I made my way to stand beside Bellamy and we watched. After a few minutes Abby stopped.

"Why are you stopping?" Octavia cried and rushed to take over the compressions. I couldn't believe what was happening.

"I'm sorry," Abby said as she looked at Octavia.

Turns out my earlier feeling was true because Clarke was now coming up the ladder with the commander and more grounders following. Before the grounders could make it up I frantically found a thin sheet and threw it over Bear. I thought if I hid him, he could have a chance to survive through this. We were all going to die in here. I reached down to grab a knife out of my pocket as if it'd do much.

"You lied," the commander spoke. Her voice made me understand why she was the commander. She looked strong and fearless despite her size. Bellamy grabbed his gun, now we all had weapons pointed to each other.

"Kill them all," another grounded exclaimed. Before any killing happen, Abby turned around and struck Lincoln's chest with the electric rod I had thrown back to her.

"Do it again," Clarke said after nothing changed. Abby tried one more time, but now she succeeded. Lincoln gasped for air, his eyes barely opening.

"Oh my god," I whispered.

"Lincoln?" Octavia called for him.

"Octavia," Lincoln said back weakly. I heard the grounders sheath their weapons at Lincoln's revival.

"Bellamy I'm telling you that this isn't going to be a truce if we don't give them Finn," I repeated to him again. We were waiting by the front gates of Arkadia for Clarke's return. She went to set terms for a truce with the commander.

"We don't know anything until Clarke comes back," Bellamy said to me. I mean what he is saying is true, but I just knew I was right. I saw how Nyko reacted to him in that drop ship and I saw the massacre of innocent people myself. They will never stop until they get him.

Clarke came into view across the field and made her way over with grounder guards.

"Open the gates!" Bellamy yelled as she got to the gate. Abby ran up to her, but Clarke beelined it to Finn when she saw him. I looked over to Bellamy, he knew I was right.

Bellamy and I caught up to Clarke, Finn and Abby. "What did she say? Is there a chance for a truce?" Abby asked.

"Yes," Clarke paused. "If we give them Finn." The people of our camp started mumbling amongst each other, but then it turned rowdy.

"He should've been floated a long time ago!"

"Turn him in!"

People were shouting from every which way, then a man grabbed onto Finn as Clarke was trying to get him somewhere safe. Bellamy hit him hard in the face with the end of his gun. The man fell back right away.

I felt like I was getting lost in the crowd, there were so many people. I grabbed Bellamy's arm so I wouldn't lose sight of him. We met Raven inside the Ark, she looked so stressed out.

"We need to get him out of here," I said.

"Let's get him to the drop ship," Bellamy told us his idea.

"There are grounders everywhere, how are we going to get past them?" Raven panicked.

"We lay low, leave through the back and take cover. We should make it through," Clarke told us and started making her way over to where we were going to leave from.

Bellamy turned to me, "stay right next to me." I agreed as we followed the rest.

During our running through the trees, we agreed to split off from each other so we were harder to spot. Bellamy, Raven and I made it to the drop ship first. I was out of breath and could hear Bear panting beside me.

Even though the situation sucked, I was kind of happy to be away from the camp. More specifically, away from Jaha and Mason.

After about twenty minutes, Clarke and Finn still weren't here. "We should go after them," I offered.

"They'll be here," Bellamy was optimistic and he was right.

Soon after he said this, Finn arrived with Clarke passed out in his arms. He rushed her into the interior of the drop ship.

"Set her down here," I said and Finn listened. I put down a blanket to support her head while Finn explained how a grounder hit her. "She'll be alright, she just needs to rest."

"This is only going to end one way," Finn stated.

"Finn, we'll protect you. It'll be okay," Raven tried to reassure him. I stayed silent because I agreed with Finn, but I knew Clarke, Raven and Bellamy didn't.

"They'll keep coming and kill all of our people until I'm dead," Finn truthfully told us. Clarke was stirring awake now so I went to help her sit up.

"Finn stop! We're not handing you over to get killed," Raven was almost yelling. Finn was looking at Clarke as she was gaining consciousness. He then stormed out of the drop ship, Raven decided to follow him out.

I was surprised how fast they both came back, but I soon found out why.

"There's movement out there," Raven told us. We all rushed out and knelt behind cover to get a better view with our guns pointed.

"They're waiting. Probably until it gets dark," I said to Bellamy. Bellamy motioned for us to get back in the ship.

Once we were all in, Finn gave us a plan, "the only thing we can do now is stay and defend this place. Raven go up and watch the back. I'll stay in the lower level. Bellamy, Kota and Clarke you guys post up at the entrance."

"I agree," Bellamy backed him up. I was getting nervous, we would be able to take out a good amount of grounders but we were extremely outnumbered. I just followed Bellamy out of the drop ship, trying to get my mind to stop thinking. We were watching the woods carefully.

"Someone's coming," Bellamy said.

"Finn?" I whispered, seeing who it was through the scope. He threw his hands up in surrender.

"No!" Clarke cried out, trying to run to him. Finn was instantly surrounded and snatched up from a swarm of grounders. I felt frozen in place, we had all just lost a close friend.

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