Victor • 76

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Only two people from each clan were allowed to be in the room. Bellamy and Kane were in there on behalf of Skaikru, I was in there because I had the sacred dog. Thank goodness for Bear, otherwise I wouldn't have been let in.

The fighting had begun, not a lot of time has passed since the start. When Gaia came back in, she got ready to put out candles that each represented a different clan. I watched with crazed eyes as she put two candles out, one of them being Trikru. But Octavia was still alive.

I was standing directly behind Bellamy and Kane, Bellamy looked back at me with reassuring eyes.

A few hours have gone by and a few more have fallen. Octavia was still out there. Bellamy was spectating on the balcony with Kane and Gaia. I wasn't allowed out there because technically I wasn't an ambassador. I scanned the room and examined the candles that were still lit. Ilian's candle was the most recent flame to be put out. Luna and Roan were both still in this as well.

No one was standing by the Azgeda candle though, Echo was supposed to be. I looked around the room and saw no sign of her. I knew she had to be up to something.

Then Bellamy was marching back in, he looked furious. I ran up to him and signed my hands, 'Echo is gone.'

He stared at me and flicked his head towards the door. Kane was now coming up behind Bellamy, but Bellamy already began to leave and I followed him.

Once we were out in the hallway, Bellamy turned to look at me. Kane was now right beside me.

"Echo is out there killing people with a bow and arrow," his voice was filled with anger. All of a sudden, he moved past me and started stomping down the hallway further.

"Bellamy stop. Wait," I chased after him. He turned back to me when I got a hold of his arm.

"You don't even know if it's her. If you get caught down there, we're all dead," Kane tried to reason with him.

"You know it's her. Azgeda has two fighters in this fight, we'll die anyways," Bellamy shot back.

"Go when it gets dark, so no one will see you," I told him. There was no convincing him out of this, I just had to help him get it done. "Do you know which building she is in? Is she moving?"

"Yes, she's stationary," Bellamy answered.

"We need to find you the best way to get in there," I stated. That's what we did until nightfall, we talked about the most secretive way to get in that building.

He was about to take off, but I really wanted to go with him. "Please let me come Bellamy," I practically begged. I knew he wouldn't let me but it didn't feel right to let him do this on his own.

"I told you no," he said sternly. "I'll get this done quick. I'll be back here with you soon, I promise."

I nodded my head, "be safe."

"I will," he swore, then he took off. I made my way back into the room and found my place in between Kane and Bear.

"She's going to win this," I said to Kane as I watched Gaia put out another candle.

"Bellamy told me you had a habit of being right," Kane remarked. If we weren't in this situation, his comment would have made me smile.

Gaia walked over to the Ice Nation candle where Echo had returned to. She lifted her contraption to put out Roan's flame. I let out a sad breath of air for the loss of the King, I would have probably cried if Bellamy wasn't still gone. Why did Echo come back and not him? Where was he?

Mother Earth // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now