Dead To Space • 6

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I barely slept through the night. Jasper was audible with his pain, which I sympathized with. Other people did not. I couldn't believe some of the things people were saying about what to do with him.

Once the sun rose, so did I. I felt like I needed to make myself useful. I spent a couple hours watching Jasper overnight and I was a bit relieved when Clarke came in to take care of him.

As I made my way out of the drop ship, I found a stack of logs and wood piled in the corner. This lifted my heart up in a weird way, knowing I could start doing something with it. I spent the next hour collecting vines or rope of any sort and set them near the wood.

I heard footsteps approaching me which made me turn to see who it was. A smile landed itself on my face when I saw that it was Octavia.

"Have fun last night?" I questioned her with a kissy face.

"How do you know everything?" She giggled. I could tell she hadn't got much sleep last night either due to Jasper's screams.

"I was just about to go talk to him but I wanted to see that you were doing alright first," she told me.

"I'm doing just fine. Go, I'll catch up with you later," I shooed her along. She walked off to find Atom and I got to work. This is where my dad's knowledge came in handy. I began to frame in small huts on the outskirts of the drop ship. There were a lot of people who have been sleeping outside with no shelter over them. I didn't even need to ask for help, people just began to ask for directions. They were obviously tired of sleeping without an enclosure.

My head turned towards the drop ship as a mangled cry ripped through the air. I hadn't heard Jasper sound like that this whole time, something had to have been happening. I saw Bellamy and Octavia sprint out of Bellamy's tent towards the drop ship to check it out. I went to follow them, but someone shoved me back.

"What are you doing?" My eyes were hard as they looked at Murphy standing in front of me.

"You have a little something on your wrist," Murphy spoke, closing the space between us.

"Enough, let me by Murphy," I demanded, trying to keep my voice steady. I was terrified, but I knew I needed to keep my composure.

"If you let me take that off, I'll let you in," he proposed to me, talking over the screaming from the drop ship. I shook my head in disbelief, I really thought he was my friend. We got to know each other pretty well in the Skybox since his cell was right across from mine and Octavia's.

I attempted to walk past him, but he shoved me right back again.

"Don't do this," I said as my body tensed. He didn't say a word back to me, so I walked forward once again. This time he pushed me with so much force, I fell backwards onto the dirt beneath me. Before I could collect myself, Murphy had flipped me onto my stomach and landed his knee securely on my back.

I tried to wiggle out of it, but it only made it worse. He wrapped his bicep around my neck, not to choke me but to stabilize me.

I had tears spilling from my eyes at this point. I felt helpless as I watched him wave his guys over to snap my bracelet off.

Even though I knew I couldn't escape the hold he had, I still tried to. I attempted to hit him with my free arm, as the one with the wrist band was being held down.

"Let me go!" I cried out. The tears kept running out of my eyes when I felt a cool metal bar being inserted between my skin and the bracelet.

"Stop Murphy! Please!" I was begging at this point. I could not let my parents think I was dead. I heard the metal snap and pressure being released from where the bracelet used to sit on my arm. My heart began to hurt knowing it was off, but my face heated up with anger.

Murphy got off of me now, watching as I slowly got up from the ground. "Was that so hard?" He asked me.

My vision was blurry from my cries but that didn't stop me from marching towards him with my fist balled up. With all my might, I punched Murphy on the side of his face. I was shocked when he wasted no time in laying one back on me.

A sharp pain surged through my head as his fist collided with my temple. It instantly knocked me right back down to the ground. I saw him come to stand over me while winding his arm up to hit me again. I noticed the bulky rings he had placed on two of his fingers, so I brought my arms up to protect my head.

The second punch never came. Murphy got shoved away from me.

"Back down!" A recognizable voice raged. I brought my hands down and sat myself up to see what was happening. Bellamy had put himself between Murphy and I. He grabbed Murphy by the shirt and pulled him close to his face.

"Never touch her again," he threatened. Once he harshly released Murphy from his grasp, Murphy walked away without another word but his evil smirk didn't go unnoticed by either of us.

Bellamy turned to face me now, kneeling to assess what happened to my face. I didn't speak a word, my head was throbbing with pain. He wrapped his arm around my waist to help me up.

"You'll be okay Kota," he tried to assure me. I was still in a little bit of shock as to what just happened to me, I knew Murphy thought he could do what he wanted here but I didn't think he'd assault me.

As soon as Bellamy sat me down in the drop ship, Clarke and Octavia came down the ladder. Octavia's face was filled with worry as she rushed to my side.

"Are you okay?" She asked frantically.

I nodded my head as Clarke spoke, "what the hell happened to her Bellamy?"

He hesitated before giving her an answer, he obviously felt bad about the situation.

"This is your fault," Octavia sneered towards him. I felt a wave of nausea run through me, so I grabbed a plastic bin sitting arms length away. I threw up, but my stomach was empty so only water came out.

"She has a concussion, and she's starving, but she should be okay," I heard Clarke speaking to the siblings. She set whatever was in her hand down on the floor as she grabbed the bin I was holding to put it back. Octavia was now holding a rag up to the cut on my head.

I picked up the hardened mass Clarke had put on the floor and examined it. "That's seaweed," I told her.

I could see her expression lift as I told her that. I realized that it was what was on Jasper's wound.

"Where can we find more?" Clarke asked me.

"The lake with the sea monster," I slightly grinned.

"Rest Kota, you should feel better tomorrow," Clarke squeezed my shoulder. Octavia helped me lay down on the drop ship floor, making sure my head was supported with blankets.

I shut my eyes and could hear Clarke direct to Bellamy and Octavia, "wake her up every two hours." I heard footsteps walk away from where I was, I assumed it was Clarke. Soon after, I heard heavy ones exit the drop ship, I knew it was Bellamy.

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