"Explain," the man, I learned his name to be Nelson, demanded. The Children of Gabriel had put all of us on our knees within the tent, some of them had guns pointed at us. I watched Gabriel has he breathed heavily, he was obviously in pain from the beating he just took from Layla.
"I didn't want this," Gabriel grunted. "I loved Xavier like a son. You know that."
"Don't say his name," Layla fired. Nelson told Layla that if she wasn't able to handle being in here, she needed to wait outside. Obviously Layla rejected that option, I would have too. She deserved to know what happened to her brother.
Gabriel continued on with his history, "Eduardo brought me back without my consent."
"Eduardo's been dead for ten years," Nelson reminded him. "Killed by Sanctum guards around the time the old man disappeared."
"It wasn't the Sanctum guards," Gabriel breathed out.
"Ten years?" Layla said in disbelief. "He's been lying to us for ten years! Letting me call him brother?"
"He's still our leader," Nelson brought up.
"No," Layla disagreed. "He's a traitor and a Prime. He could have told us the truth, but instead he let us think we were abandoned. Now give me back the gun and let me end this once and for all."
Nelson only took a second to think about what Layla said before pulling the pistol out of his waist band. He was handing it over to Layla when I spoke up to stop him, "hold on. We need him."
It was true, we did need him. But, if I could convince them of this plan I've been thinking about then none of us had to die right now. I noticed both Clarke and Bellamy staring at me with wide eyes, oblivious as to what I was about to say.
"Weaponized Red Sun toxin. A bomb," I started. "Gabriel is a night blood, he can bring the bomb right through Sanctum's shield and set it off. After that he'll need to find our friend, Raven, so she can get the shield down for all of us to go through."
"The chaos of the evacuation will give us an opening to rescue our people," Bellamy caught on to the rest of my plan. "You kill the Primes."
Nelson took our words seriously with a slight nod, "that's a good plan."
"Come on," Layla objected. "You trust them just like that?"
"No. But I will," Nelson answered. I watched as he unsheathed his sword and held it out to Gabriel. "When he kills Josephine Prime."
I watched him intently as Clarke spoke up, "I'm not Josephine."
"It's true. Josephine's gone. I took out the mind drive myself," Gabriel attempted to back her up.
"He's protecting her," Layla's voice climbed in frustration. "How much more proof that he's a traitor do we need?"
Nelson just raised his eyebrows, waiting for an affirmative yes or no from Gabriel. "No," Gabriel finally breathed out after a few seconds. Nelson's face faltered as he side stepped towards Clarke. "If you kill her yourself, I won't build you the bomb."
This got Nelson to back off from Clarke, he brought his sword back down to his side and took a step back. "Good," Gabriel sighed. "First we gather the toxin. There's a cave on the way to the anomaly."
"You're not going anywhere," Layla refuted. "Neither is you long lost friend."
"We can do it," Octavia spoke up, meaning her, Bellamy and I as we. "Just tell us what to look for and we'll get it."
Bellamy and I walked side by side, trailing behind Octavia. She mentioned the cave we were going to wasn't very far from Gabriel's tent, so my tired body was happy about that.

Mother Earth // Bellamy Blake
FanfictionBellamy Blake X Dakota Solace • Dakota was sent down to earth as one of the 100. Her knowledge is put to the test on the ground as she makes a connection with her best friend's brother. • This will be following the storyline of The 100 series. I do...