Beating For The Past • 34

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"You couldn't have just let it go?" I said to Murphy as we were both sitting in the hallway with cold rags up to our faces. I took a few hits in the brawl Murphy instigated when Kane brought the grounders into the Ark. At least my injuries were nothing serious.

"Grounder was a dick," Murphy explained himself, it almost made me laugh. "You know he'll get it done right?"

I knew Murphy was talking about Bellamy. I could not stop thinking about him ever since he left with Lincoln.

"Don't you have work detail to get to or something?" I asked, not wanting to talk to him about Bellamy.

"Yeah, yeah," he stood up to walk off.

I went outside to find Ark guards doing target practice while the grounders were training hand to hand. I went to stand on the outskirts of the dirt that the grounders were fighting on to watch. After a few fights had happened, Octavia walked up to my side.

"You thinking about going next?" She asked me sarcastically. I looked over to her with my eyebrow raised, she knew I was a terrible fighter.

"I'm just watching. For now," I replied while looking back to them. "They fight with strength and aggression and defense. I read about some Japanese martial arts a long time ago. Those people fought with their minds, found weak spots in their opponents and pushed down until the other couldn't handle it. They could shut fights down before they even started."

"Looks like they fight like that too," Octavia stated.

"Kind of, but not in the same way," I said to her.

"What do you think about all of this?" She asked me after a second of silence.

"I think I shouldn't have let Bellamy go," I said without turning my head to look at her.

"I felt like that about Lincoln taking him into the tunnels. They're strong Kota, fighters. They had to do this for themselves and for our people," she tried to help me feel better.

"I could have gone with him," I retorted.

"He wouldn't have let that happen and you know it," she told me. Octavia reached down to pet Bear on his head before leaving me. I watched for a little longer before deciding to go to med bay and check on my mom again.

"Do you need any help?" I asked as I approached my mom tending to someone. She turned around at my voice and smiled at my presence.

"I would love that," she answered. "I can show you what Jackson has taught me."

She took me through all of her patients, showing me the basics. I enjoyed it too, it felt like old times having her teach me new things. I also knew it would be good to have some kind of medical knowledge with the life we're living now.

I sat down in a plastic chair once we finished checking the last patient, I felt exhausted from all my worrying. My mom moved another chair so she could sit in front of me.

"Tell me what's going on inside your head," she looked at me kindly.

I tried not to cry because I feel like that's all I do, but I couldn't help it with her sitting there. "I miss dad."

She brought me into a gentle hug and rubbed my back as I sobbed, "I miss him so much."

She pulled back when my cries calmed down. I realized I never really grieved his death, there was so much going on.

"You're father told me a story of you the day he passed. Do you remember the record player he used to have when you were little?" My mom began. I nodded my head, I could clearly remember every part of it. "He told me when he got back from work while I was still teaching, you waited right next to it. Every single day for almost two years. You loved one of the songs on it so much that he couldn't help but put it on and dance with you. He told me it was the best part of his day. He loves you so much sweetheart. He may not be here but he watches over you."

"Thank you mom," I was grateful she carried his memory on. My parents were no doubt soulmates, their bond was so special.

"I'm going to get some sleep," I told her. She nodded as I got up from my seat. Bear walked in front of me as I made my way to Bellamy and I's room.

Right as I got to the door, a hand covered my mouth and I was swept into the room. My body was thrown onto the floor and I could hear the door slam shut. Bear was barking on the other side of it.

I turned around to see who had just manhandled me and wasn't too surprised at who I saw standing above me.

"It's time to talk," Mason's voice was deep and menacing. I stood up from the ground slowly as I watched him step closer to me.

"Mason... there's nothing to talk about," I said carefully. Fear was coursing through my entire body.

He laughed at my words before speaking again, "there's years worth of shit to talk about."

I stayed quiet as I backed up from him. Bear continued to bark from outside, I hoped someone would hear him.

"We loved each other Kota and when I showed you how much I loved you, you avoided me. For three goddamn years! I tried everything just to talk to you again, but I couldn't even find you," Mason raged. I could no longer back up anymore because my back hit the wall.

"Get over it," I told him, my voice was the most intimidating I've ever heard it. He kept getting closer to me until his face was hovering over me. Bellamy was really tall, but Mason had an inch or two over him. He had a huge build and he was scary.

"I can't ever get over you," he told me as he put his hands on my waist. I felt like I could throw up all over his stupid face, but at the same time I was so petrified that I couldn't move. "You're boyfriend skipped town I heard, how would he feel about me touching you like this?"

I had to snap out of it, I did not want a repeat of last time he pushed me into a room. I swung my fist with every ounce of energy I had and socked him on the side of his head. He stumbled backwards and I tried to book it to the door.

Mason grabbed the back of my shirt before I could escape and slammed me into the floor. I felt the wind get knocked out of me and I wheezed trying to get back up. Mason kicked my side which pushed me back onto the ground.

"Mason, stop," I tried to beg through my heavy breathing.

"Just let me have you," he pleaded to me as he knelt down on top of me.

I don't know why I thought this was a good idea, but I spit in his face. It only made him retaliate more. He punched my face so hard my vision almost went completely dark. I reached my hand up to the back of his head and pulled his hair as hard as I could.

I heard him yelp as my hand ripped a chunk of it out.

"You stupid bitch!" He screamed so close to my face that I could feel his voice. He landed his fist into my face twice. I could feel my lip split open from the impact and my mind go hazy. I no longer had the strength to try and get out of this.

I attempted to reach into my pocket to pull a knife out, but he saw what I was doing. Mason grabbed my arm and held it down.

"Now you're trying to kill me?" He fired. He sounded funny to me because of how hard I've been hit. He slapped my face making everything I could see go blurry. "We're not finished."

He finally stood up and I watched as he left the room, Bear sprinted in to stand by my tired body on the floor. I saw the door shut behind him and I felt tears dripping from my sockets.

I had no motivation to move and I was scared how much it'd hurt if I did. I saw Bear curl up beside me while I kept drifting off to an unconscious state no matter how hard I fought it.

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