Rescue • 77

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"They've made their choice. We have to find another way in," Indra spoke to the two of us.

"There is no other way in. This one was hidden for a hundred years," I told her while I paced the room. Bear's head was following my movement.

"Then we break it open," Indra said.

"It won't protect anyone if we do that," Octavia replied.

"Bellamy will find a way," I stated as I stopped pacing.

"The black rain is keeping everyone at bay, for now. But when it stops and they find out what your people did..." Indra continued.

"They stole the bunker. They're not my people anymore," Octavia held fire with her words. I felt extremely betrayed, I had a feeling this had to be Jaha's plan. On the other hand, I knew Clarke agreed to it because otherwise we wouldn't be in this situation. I knew Miller was in there too. My friends weren't my friends anymore when it came down to this kind of survival.

I heard Bear start to growl and swiveled my head in the direction he was facing. I saw Echo emerging with her sword drawn. I told Bear to stand down, Echo was mad but she wasn't going to hurt us.

"No wonder Kane was stalling," Echo said.

Indra got up and unsheathed her sword, she was ready to kill Echo. Octavia held her back before she could do anything.

"Skaikru dishonors us all yet again. When the people find out, you will pay with blood," Echo threatened.

"Skaikru wasn't the only clan who dishonored their own people, were they?" I made Echo stop in her tracks as she was trying to leave. "You were on the battlefield at the conclave, killing warriors with arrows."

"Roan caught you. He banished you for it," Octavia stepped towards her. I didn't know that Octavia was there when it happened. By the look of Echo's face, she didn't know about it either.

"Azgeda broke the rules. They should not have a place in this bunker," Indra told Octavia.

"Wonkru, Indra," Octavia responded. "I will not banish an entire clan because of one person's sins."

"What do you want?" Echo asked, her voice was quiet. I watched her carefully, she was intimidated.

"Only for you to honor your King, by joining me. If you do, when that door opens, my decision will stand. Azgeda will survive Praimfaya," Octavia stated.

Echo didn't look too convinced, so I spoke up, "Bellamy will get that door open."

"Your plan is to wait? To hope Bellamy comes to your rescue," she glared at me.

"Yes," I replied confidently.

"Knowing how he feels about both of you," Echo started to say as she put her sword back in it's place. "I'd say that's a good plan."

As more time passed, the weaker I began to feel. The radiation was starting to effect all of us now, even Bear. He was laying down with low energy. I felt like I was slowly getting a fever, but I stood when I saw a scout enter the room. He said something to Octavia in Trigedasleng that I couldn't make out.

"No, let them come," Octavia told him. I watched the man walk back out of the room and knew what he was saying from Octavia's response. The other clans were ready to come in here. "It's time to face the music."

I turned to look at Octavia and she looked back at me when I did. I gave her a reassuring nod, she looked like she could use any support she could get. We waited for the clans to march in, there was going to be a lot of explaining to be done when they got here.

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