C h a p t e r [5]

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I glare at him and furiously walked out.

"Hey, wait up!"

"Will you stop following me?!"

"Just tell me about the event."

"I lost the willingness to tell you all about it."

"Come on. I'm just not used to this place."

"Oh, that's why you're acting like a jerk you are?"

He didn't answer, I proceed on walking but he's still following. I wish I'd see Tippy along the way but where is she when I supereminently need her.

I got out of the school campus but he's still behind me, walking exactly on the same tracks I'm stepping.

"Will you stop following me?!"

His eyebrows wrinkled, "What?"

"I said, stop following me!"

"Hey, I know I've been harsh on you this day, but there is no way I am following you."

"Oh really?!"


I continued walking. For every turn I take, he takes them too.

Walking in silence, he talks, "Say, we're taking the same streets, mind telling me all about the peer building event?"

"I'm not listening."

"Now you're the one being a jerk."

"I can't hear you."

"Okay. Suit yourself."

Three more houses and it's my house, and he's still coming after me.

"Will you just quit it?!"


"You said you're not following me which I think you are, I'm getting close to my house and you're still here."

He scoffs, "You are out of your mind. I am not following you and your assumptions."

I just look at him, "Fine. How come you took the same streets I've took?"

"You're being delusional. Of course I'm heading home."

"Home?" I scoff, "Okay, you go first and let me see if your house is really on this street."

He chuckles, "Fine," he walks ahead of me but it seems his house is really on this street.

My heart dropped when he stopped in front of my house, he was about to head in but I stopped him.

"HALT!!" I yelled as I run and blocked the door.

"What is your problem now?"

"Back away!"



"You're out of your mind."

"How did you find out where I live?!"

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