C h a p t e r [60]

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3 Chapters in one day! I love you guys, enjoy and happy reading! —Jemay
Shawn and I went home. I made him dinner, we ate together, and both cleaned the downstairs before heading to our rooms. Before Luke called, I hear him from his room, getting upset, angry, having his voice raised. Not about Luke, not about me, not about what happened earlier either, but about something. Something I don't know. Maybe it's family business or something about him and his or anyone back in his country that I shouldn't eavesdrop or care. It's his business and it should just between him and the person he's talking to on the phone.

My phone rings and it's Luke Hemmings. We talked for hours like real couples do. The feelings I have for him are getting deeper. He asked me what did I think about our first date, about the places we went, if I've enjoyed it or something. All of my answers are yes, until then, I decided that it's my turn to ask questions.

"Why aren't you at school yesterday?"

"Oh. Uh.. I was tired."

"Tired.. of?"

"Our date! Yeah!" He laughs, "My legs killed me literally. The bike I rode was so hard to pedal."

"Mmm.." I agree, "Okay.. thought something happened to you."

"What? What did you think happened to me?"

"Nothing. I just.. I thought you got yourself a fever, too."


"Y–Yeah. Too. I mean.." He doesn't that Shawn and I are living together, and if I say that Shawn's got a fever for two days and nights, he would lose his mind and never talk to me ever again. "My mom! My mom's got fever, too! Four days ago."

"Oh, really? How's she?"

"Uh, yeah. She's good. She's all fine and strong now."

"Good to hear. Well, we better both go to sleep. We still have school tomorrow."

"Yeah." I yawn, "Goodnight Luke."

"Goodnight my cute girl." He says sweetly.

I feel all flattered and blushed, "Bye." I smile.


The phone call ended. I closed my eyes but Shawn's voice really pierces through the walls of my room. Why is he so upset? Why is he so angry?


The last few things I heard before the whole house finally found its quietness. I wonder why he's so angry. I closed my eyes and try not to think about it. It's not my business, it's not something I should care, but why am I so worried?

The next day, at school. Luke finds himself a way to talk to me. Only the two of us. Shawn was left in the classroom while the two of us roam around the campus.

"May.. there's something I wanna ask you.." Luke says and my heart, without any clues about his question; suddenly made me feel so nervous.

"What is it?"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you? Tell you what?"

"That you and Shawn are actually a thing."

"WHAT? Where'd you get that?"

"From them. From the people here. They said you and him are a couple."

I remember that Luke still doesn't know about Shawn and I, but it's okay to tell him since he's not included with all the people to be fooled and believe our fake relationship.

"N–No. We're not a couple!"

"Then what are these rumors about you and him?"

"Please, please don't tell this to anyone, but about Shawn and I? Oh god, please understand Luke. Our relationship is fake. It's just for a show."

"What? Fake? What do you even mean?"

"It was.. it was because I asked him to play the Singing Charades and he would only agree, in one condition, we'd pretend to be a couple for four weeks."


"I told you, it's because I couldn't find anyone else to compete."

"You could've thought of me, May."

"I–I know. I'm sorry. I wrote his name on the list but it can't be undone. I'm really sorry. This week's our second week."

"Fine, I'll let it go."

"Please don't tell anyone."

"Sure, bur promise me, after that deal, I want you to stay away from him, okay?"

When he said that, half of me wants to disagree. I don't think I can. I love Luke, he's my dream, he's been my crush for so many months and now it's getting real, I'm getting there, but why do I feel like I can't be fully dedicated with the words I'm about to say?

"May? You there? Did you hear me?" He asks again.

I nod, "Y–Yeah. Of course Luke.."

The rest of the day passed, so does the whole weekday. Shawn's been acting weird and I can't really tell what's wrong. He knows that Luke's my crush ever since, and he knows that we're dating, it couldn't be the problem. Every night he just yells on his phone in his room, he doesn't smile that often at school anymore and doesn't always talk, too, it's like everyone's dealing with the old him. I started to question myself what is the real problem why he's starting to drift away from everyone and everything.

There's this one time when we got home from school, it was Thursday. He went straight upstairs, and I notice his actions have changed, though we talk, we smile at each other and walk together going to school and heading home. Then I thought, I'd cook for him. It was all made from the heart, I really wanted to talk to him, ask him what's wrong, but he didn't come downstairs. Neither I, me myself, I can't understand me. Why am I so affected with all of his actions? Why do I suddenly just missed the Shawn who's coming out of his shell? I mean, he teases me and always just comes around telling me how I screw things up. I don't know why I'm yearning for those.

I just.. miss it. Especially that night when he asked me to go with him to buy boxes of pizza, when we went walking in the streets and have to feed each other because we're holding each other's favorites. He changed for good, but only for a few days; now he's changed, back to old him, but worst.

Today, as I open my eyes, I didn't think of anything, not house chores, not cooking, not Luke. Then, I remembered, Shawn didn't got the chance to be toured around my town last Saturday because he was sick. Suddenly, I know what I'll do with my Saturday; and that is to tour Shawn Mendes around the town.

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