C h a p t e r [24]

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I immediately sit myself up just as I read her message.

"What?! Seriously?!"

"Yes. Lori told me that Professor Lerner wants to tell you about it."

"Oh god no. She's just going to sabotage every design we're going to make for that event!"

"I know but we can't do anything. She has those teacher connections. And by connections, you know what I mean."

"Her fake being makes her get benefits from them but Professor Lerner can still put her out of this for once, I just want to have a peaceful designing matters."

"Probably some teacher asked him to put her in that designing the event thingy and Professor Lerner can't disagree because of his low position."

"I think this just ruined my morning and the rest of my day.."

"Girl, you need to woman up. Gosh."

"You know I can't with her."

"You know you can. You know you can take her."

"Yeah I know but I don't wanna get beaten up by her and her friends."

"I'm here. I'll back you up."

"And I don't want you to get hurt just because I couldn't hold on to my emotions anymore."

"Now that is sweet but if she's gonna do something to you, tell me. If she hurts you. I'll tag team that monster with Sam."

"Hahahahaha! Hey! No can do, Sam's a dude."

"So? It's much better, she's gonna fall in a long deep sleep afterwards."

"Oh god Tips."

"Kidding. But seriously though, TELL ME."

"Alright, I'll tell you when she does something physically to hurt me."

"She's not the Talia you've come to know, don't hesitate to fight back when you know she's having too much."

"Okay. Thank you Tippy. You made me feel better. Love youuuuuu!"

"No worries hun. Love ya toooo!"

"Text you later!"

I turn my phone off, it's 9:30 in the morning and I didn't even realize the time. Woke up late, stickiness on my hair and itch runs on my skin. I need to take a bath.

I snatch a new towel out of my closet and went downstairs. Oddly, he's not around. Not in the kitchen, living room, or in the lounge. He must be still sleeping, peace and quiet; so this is the feeling of having to live alone.

Smile's on my face, he's already wasted almost half of the day. Wait. He said only in front of many people, that means it doesn't include when it's only the two of us.

Couldn't express how happy I am to enjoy the downstairs myself alone in the fresh morning. I went to the kitchen and made coffee for myself since I have the whole room for only me right now. No annoying jerk, no commands, no arguments.

Just as I finished making my coffee, I took one last sip before I head out of the kitchen with the towel hanging on my shoulder. Finally, could enjoy some time in the bathroom for a long moment. I'll soak myself in the tub until I can feel my legs numbing from lying down.

I opened the door with a sigh of relief as I undress myself, swaying and enjoying a little dance when all out of my expectations, the shower valve squealed and suddenly the shower head produced water and the sounds of it dripping. The next thing I know is that he's in there, staring back at me from the clear shower curtains, naked.

Wet and steamy, I accidentally gaze at his huge muscly chest, all the way down to his stomach, water slides from his abs like slides at the swimming pools. He puts one arm behind him and the other, well, to cover.

Paused before we both screamed in fright and surprise. I immediately covered my eyes that was about to pop out just as I was about to trace what's the next part.

I run outside, screaming while in my blouse, feeling the awkwardness and embarrassment creep all over me. God, did I just.. OH GOD.
I just literally saw him naked and he saw me undressing! Except I did not wanted to look at his body. It was all just an accident! I didn't know he was there.

Standing outside the bathroom, I still get the shivers every second I thought of being inside the bathroom with him. His face and his eyes glaring before he realized I was there, his body, everything I saw flashes back, the water that slowly runs all the way down from his neck, to his chest and to his stomach.

I forgot my towel inside the bathroom, then I remembered my stupid swaying dance with my eyes closed. Fully embarrassed, questioning myself what the hell is wrong with me, why did I even do that?!

When the bathroom's doorknob swirls open, I panicked. My mind's flying and I don't know what to do, so I run immediately into the kitchen and faced the sink, having my back turned, pretending I was doing something.

The door clicks aloud, knowing he's out and about to walk pass the kitchen before getting his way upstairs. His feet thuds on the floor tiles, getting closer and closer to me.

I kept my back turned, not wanting to face him to avoid the most awkward conversation. A towel which is mine, landed on my shoulder. I gulp while my heart wants to shoot itself out in nervousness.

His feet thuds again for so many times until the thudding sounds reduced and eventually faded. I waited for a while before turning around, just to make sure he's gone.

Just as I was about to take a sigh, it was cut short when he was standing in front of me. I gasped in surprise with what I saw again.

His upper body's bare, all dried up unlike when I saw him in the bathroom, drenching in water. His lower body's covered with a white towel, but I didn't want to see that part. When my eyes was about to look down all the way to his feet, I stopped myself and looked at his face instead. He was standing behind me all this time, waiting for me to turn around and now he's got it. Tricking me that he had left the kitchen.

"Oh my g—" I mumble.

He raises both arms and wraps them around his chest, looking so serious.

"I-I-I thought you were gone." I said.

He breathes sharply, "Obviously not."

"H-How did you do that feet walking away sound thingy?"

"Is that really what you should be asking right now?"

"Uh.." I pretend to not know what he's talking about, "Is there anything else?"

He walks towards me, getting much closer. I step backwards until I hit the sink, I put my hands up on my shoulders to cover my chest.

He leans over and aggressively, he whispers, "If you sneak in, stalk, interrupt or get into my room or anywhere I'm in without knocking, remember this.."

I swallow while my flesh grumbles.

He leans over much more, "I will kiss you."

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