C h a p t e r [95]

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I didn't deny what I'm feeling anymore. Without any words, I remove my hand from his hand and wrapped my arms around his waist. Giving him a tight hug. He then raised his arms and wrapped them above my back.

"I don't want you to rush things with me, May.. I don't want you to feel like I'm pressuring you with something or anything.. I want everything to just.. go slow but we both know that the two of us are sure.."

I nod, "I'd like that, Shawn.." I sigh, "Everything is so surreal. I can't believe this exchange we're having.."

"Me too, May.. me too.."

I can hear his heart beating and his breathing. It feels so good to be wrapped, the warmth, the scent, the strong pair of arms and the firm body I'm against.

He takes in a huge breath and sighed, "This is so good.."

"Yeah.." I muffle.

As soon as I was about to push my body away from him, he pulls me closer and tighter.

"Let's stay like this for a while.." he whispers as his embrace gets more impervious.

I lay my head and closed my eyes, it's looking more like I'm hugging the Shawn in my dreams and the Shawn in my reality at the same time. I sniff his scent, smelling heavenly with a touch of vanilla.

He starts to hum like he's trying to make himself the cradle and I'm the little toddler who needs some sleep. Everything is starting to get good when the caretaker suddenly arrives.

"Well, hello.." she says in a calming yet in a voice that sounds more feminine than any other.

We look, checking who spoke. We move away but our hands were immediately connected like opposite magnetic signs. Her hair's black but some of it are already white. Her appearance's looking like a middle aged woman. Eyes are round and lips are seemingly like in a pout. Her height's just like mine, wearing a faded brown shirt and a pants that looks comfortable.

"I've never seen a couple visit this greenhouse for more than 4 years now.."

Neither of us contradicted what the woman said but the way he's holding my hand, it got a little tighter than before.

"We're just.. visiting.. and looking at the beautiful flowers.." I mumble.

"No, it's okay child. As long as you didn't come to destroy.. but I wonder, who among you two found this place out."

"It was me." Shawn says, "I just wanted some place where I could be with my girl."

The woman nod, "I'm not gonna ask anymore questions. It's none of my business."

"It's okay." I said, "I'm May. May Archer and this is Shawn."

"Shawn Mendes. Nice to meet you ma'am." He says.

"I'm Mela. I'm pretty sure you know I'm the caretaker of this place."

"Yeah. And we know the story when you found this abandoned greenhouse." Shawn says.

"This place.. this is my stress reliever." She walks towards the pots of different types of flowers, "These flowers.. they helped me so much.."

Shawn nods, "Same here.." he says as he looks at me, "We're gonna go.. can we come back again tomorrow?"

"Of course. The two of you can come back here as long as you want but don't tell anyone anymore, the two of you is enough. I've entrusted this greenhouse to people before and they destroyed it. I don't want that to happen again."

"That's.. horrible." I said, feeling how painful it was to know that people destroyed something beautiful.

"We understand.." Shawn said, "We'll come here tomorrow and we'll water your plants."

She nods with a smile, "That's great to hear. You're a nice boy."

I look at him, "Are you?" I joked.

"I am." He whispers, then sexily winked.

I laughed. We bid goodbye to Mela and went out of the greenhouse, we walk, heading back to the group. Our hands swings back and forth with a light feeling and an overflowing happiness.

"So.. what happens when we get back?" I ask.

"I'll handle it. Don't worry too much."


"What did I just say?"

"You'll handle it and I don't have to worry too much."

"That's my girl."

It's almost twilight and everyone must have noticed that the two of us are missing or gone. Luke and Yuna will think something exaggerated and the two of us should be prepared for that matter. Close enough, the group wasn't there, except for Tippy. As soon as she saw the two of us heading towards her, she immediately walked to us and her eyes went straight looking at our hands.

"Reconciled, I see." She says.

I just smiled and said, "Where is everyone?"

"They went to look for Luke."

"What?! Where is he?! Is he missing?!" I ask in panic.

"I don't know who the other person is, but Acer said that Luke went somewhere into the woods with someone."

"Maybe he's with Yuna?"

"No way, Yuna?! Ha! She went with the rest of the group and she's acting like she's a concerned citizen of the country. Like the fuck? Chill the hell out blondie, that's Luke Hemmings, the fuckest boy in the existing world of fuck boys."

"They're probably lost and freezing. I hope they're okay.."

"Maybe? I guess, but I'm pretty sure they're not. They just went there to make out."


She squints her eyes and moves her face to the side like she's giving me the 'look.' "What about you two? Where have you guys been?"

"We went to the other side of the woods.." Shawn interrupts.

"Mhm, what did the two of you do in the woods?"


"We just went there to look around." Shawn speaks, "And besides, we're only here for two days. Better to enjoy the sceneries."

"Mhm. Enjoy the sceneries." She grabs my and whispered, "That's what Sam told me before."

"You nasty!!" I said.

She laughs so loud it echoes everywhere, "I'm kidding! They probably found them and on their way. And Shawn, the accompanying teachers told me before they left that they want you to sing a song."

"Sing a song?" He asks.

"Yeah. It's enough time for you to prepare one song, so when they come back, you're gonna sing, then we're gonna start the bonfire horror stories."

DREAM KINGS (Shawn Mendes x Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now