C h a p t e r [25]

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He backs away in a slow pace, "Remember that Miss Archer. The next time you come without knocking, expect my lips pressing against yours."

I stood still on my place, unable to move. Eyes wide open as I watch him and his bare body move away from me. He left but his smell's stuck, mint and sweet, leaving a lingering and tingling feeling across the room.

Sunday morning isn't what I expected to be. Thought I have the downstairs for myself but guess someone has already claimed it. I slowly drop my hands off my chest.

What did just happen? All of a sudden I forgot to speak, for sure he's thinking he's scared me for good. I walk forward to the countertop, my coffee's all cold. Never mind, I'll make another one after a bath.

I proceed inside the bathroom. Believe it or not, it smells heaven. My vision flashes him back again from the transparent shower curtains, in slow motion, water caresses his skin, sliding all the way down from his face to his neck, to his chest and to his abs. I shake my head hardly, trying to get him out of my mind.

I turn the water on and sat inside the tub even though it's not even full yet. Letting the cold water increase and rise, occupy my whole naked body. Eyes closed, tried thinking of Luke but he always ruins it, finding the hardest way to get in. Not feeling anything but embarrassment. I tried humming and it sent him out, I continue until it was successful.

After taking almost an hour, I somehow forgot the incident a while ago. With the towel covering my body, I walk and head upstairs. His door is again, opened a little. It was not my intention but I saw him in his boxers, putting on his pants.

I gulp and rushed to my room with my heart beating as fast as if I'm hardly catching it. I slam my door close and leaned against it.

Seconds after, his door shut close and hid footsteps running down the stairs are heard. Okay, get a hold of yourself. He's just a jerk and he's scaring you.

I remove the towel covering my whole body and get dressed. He's taken the slot for the singing charades, I still need one more. I grabbed the paper and ran downstairs, though still feeling so awkward, I have to show him that I'm not afraid of his jerk ass.

One place in my mind to think, the living room.

Sat down on the rugged floor with the paper on the transparent table, I exhale. Ready to think for one last person to fill the slot when he suddenly appears.

"Hey." He says.

I look at him from the entrance of the living room, holding a cup.

"Mind if you make me one of this too?"

I stand up and went in the kitchen straight. Didn't respond and just like a robot who just follows orders from its owner. He follows me all the way to the kitchen.

After making him a cup of coffee. I turn my back and see him leaning against on his shoulder at the entrance, holding my cup of cold coffee in his hands.

Deadly look, I didn't say a thing but he did.

"So, the listing of the challenge takers, is that what you're doing back there in the living room?"

"Yeah." I replied as short as it could get.

I walked to him and handed him the hot coffee. He hands me my cup in exchange. I went back to throw the coffee in the sink and made another one.

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