C h a p t e r [90]

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As much as I want to write many chapters in one day, I couldn't. It's my first week in college and it's exhausting as hell. Classes starts at 8 until 12:30 PM without recesses or breaks. Then we're given 30 minutes for lunch, then back to our classes at 1 until 5 PM. IT'S AN ABSOLUTE TORTURE! Anyways, I'll post several chapters before the Monday sun shines tomorrow. Thank you for reading and supporting this story. I love you. —J.

As we were reaching the others, I can already tell where Yuna is standing. And from her way of being still on her spot, I know she knows who are coming towards them. She looks unhappy but trying so hard not to show it.

"Shawn!" She immediately exclaimed as she saw him.

"May!" Luke yells when he reassured himself that it was me.

When we finally joined the group, before one of us gets taken away by Yuna and Luke, he leans close and whispered, "Sit with me.. okay?"

It made me wonder why he wants to sit with me instead of Yuna, if they're really dating, then he should want her to sit with him.. I'm getting the thought of her, being a liar with the dating matter.

I nod, "Okay."

Yuna takes him and Luke takes me. Everyone seems so excited to go and see the white sand beach.

"Hey, I'm just gonna help them put the things inside the bus." He says.

"Sure Luke. Don't worry about me."

He left, and all of a sudden, "Girl!"

I turn to the side and saw my best friend wearing a cute sunflower shirt, "Tippy!"

"You poppin' with that long buttoned shirt!" She says.

"Yeah, I look like I'm just headed for work."

"No, you don't. That's called STYLE."

I laughed, "That's why I love you."

"Of course! We're sisters!"

"Absolutely, wait—why's Sam not with you?"

"Well, I asked the Dean if I could take him but sadly, they did not approve. Selfish hoes." She blurts.

"That's bad.."

"That's bad? Then what do you call that?" She points her finger somewhere and it leads to Yuna talking to Shawn.

"They're just talking."


"I'm.. look Tips, they're just talking and it shouldn't be a big issue."

"Yes it is. Look at that bitch smiling at your man."

I was about to contradict Tippy but with what I've observed for a short while, Shawn seems like he doesn't give a single care with anything she says, "Well okay, she's smiling at him, but the question here is, is he smiling back at her?"

"No.. but still.. she's flirting with him!"

"Tips, as long as he knows how to be a one woman man, I don't have to worry about any girls talking to him or seducing him, as long as he knows his responsibilities and he loves me wholeheartedly, he won't give any care to any of them and what I'm seeing now..? He's doing that to her.."

Tippy scoffs, "If I was you girl, I swear to god, that girl's gonna lose all them blonde strands of hair."

I laughed but then she was called by Lori. The sun's starting to rise, and as soon as the teacher companions tells us to be ready to board the bus, Shawn went his way to get close to me and I know it's my cue to get close to him because of our plans. It's odd to know that Yuna chose to head inside first and not alongside him.

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