C h a p t e r [192]

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Time went by fast, we've let it all go, the blaming.. but what Diervas and her boyfriend did will not escape the conclusion of their actions.

Mom and the rest went back to their business, though they're all hesitant of letting me out without someone on my side because my plan today is not to rest but to go back to my apartment. Mom begs me to stay at home with Tippy, Sam and Harry but I refused, she couldn't win it this time so she insisted Shawn to come with me.

Shawn replied to her with, "Oh don't worry, she's not leaving my sight ever again."

Mom breathes out a sign of relief, she gave me a hug and taps Shawn's shoulder, "Be home safe. I'll make a delicious dinner."

"We will."

"I'm coming with you guys." Harry says as he tucks his hands inside his navy blue jeans.

"We're coming too!" Tippy said.

"You don't have to, I'm just going to check if everything's still there."


"Tips, you're pregnant, you shouldn't be stressing over things."

"We were worried about you."

"I know.. and I thank you three for that but I don't want you travelling far, you also have to rest and be stress free. Please, go stay at home with mom.. and wait for us there, we'll return before dinner." I walked closer and gave her a hug, and with a whisper, "Besides, there's some food in the fridge. Eat it."

She plumped her lips, "You know I'm going with a free will when we're talking about food."

"I know."

We both giggled. I reached to Sam and gave him a hug, and whispered to him the same thing. Tippy looks at him like a competition.

"Let's go?" Harry pulls out his car keys.


He looks at me straight in the eyes, "Yeah?"

"Fine. You can come."

"He's coming?!" Shawn exclaimed.

"Well yes, yes I am."

I glare at them both and they immediately stopped. We bid a temporary goodbye and they left with their car.

"So..?" I asked.

"Mustaha will be here in a few minutes."

"Shawn, we can just—"

"No. We'll wait for him, then we can buy something to eat."

"Why bothe—"


"Geez, okay." I said yawning.

"You're always so hard headed."

"What'd I do?"

"Nothing. We should have just went home so you can take a rest."

"I'm fine."

"Are you two love birds always like that?" Harry says into the air.

We paused, Shawn's face when he heard him say the word 'love birds' is priceless. His eyes glimmered in victory, having that assurance that Harry really lost the battle.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Harry asks in a disgusted face.

"Nothing. I'm just glad you said May and I are lovers."

"Yeah but don't think you won because May doesn't want a competition between us in the first place."

"Nah, I won."

DREAM KINGS (Shawn Mendes x Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now