C h a p t e r [195]

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I still cannot believe Dad is home and he's finally staying for good. He's been working for Shawn's father since I was a kid, since we were kids.

After dinner, Tippy and Sam decided to sleep over, Aunt Mary too except Mustaha because he said he has to do his work despite Shawn giving approval to stay for the night. Dad and I were left alone in the kitchen, having a conversation, pretty much making much and catching up with our lost time.

"You've grown so much." Dad says still in disbelief.

"You used to see me through video calls only, so I understand."

"You're 27 now, if I'm not mistaken?"

"26 dad."

"How old were you when you graduated college?"


"I see. Hey, remember when I took you to the park?"

"With the dinosaur statues? Of course, I never forget. That was our last bonding before you left abroad."

"Well, we can go there again, besides, anytime we want, we can."

"We should schedule our trip as soon as possible. Besides, Shawn's never been there too."

"That kid is an angel."

I chuckled, "Was this Shawn's plan?"

"It is. He called me a month ago, asking if I'd like to go home and settle everything. I said I'm going home maybe only for a break, then return to work again, my contract was going to end in one month and that's when he told me to not renew it anymore."

"How did his father react?"

He laughed, "Shocked, of course. I'm like 'Hey, I'm done with everything, it's been good but the treatment is sometimes unfathomable, I'm quitting.' He's never heard of me speak like that before."

"Well, I'm grateful Shawn made you finally come home."

"Yeah, I missed everything. I've never felt so free before. What about you? There are so many things that happened in your life and I'm not there to guide you, you grown up without me by your side."

"Dad, it's cool. I understand why you left and you didn't JUST LEFT. You worked to give this family a relief. And I'm good, no, I'm great. Especially now that you're here. There's this funny coincidental things that's happened over the past few weeks. You see, I'm employed at this business, it's about designing and you know, office works and I didn't know I was working with Shawn's dad all this time."

"Really? Does he know you're employed at his company? You could work for anyone but not to that man. Trust me, he's controlling."

"I think he doesn't but Shawn did. He found out and well, he made this plan of coming back here and telling his higher employee to allow me to have a vacation leave. Guess what he did? He told her to keep putting salaries into my bank account without working or without me knowing!"

Dad chortled, "Smart. He doesn't want you to have any shortages."

When Dad says the word, I suddenly remember our old college days where he's the smartest kid in class. Smart but cold.

"Don't tell him I'm telling you this, but when he got back, he was always in his room and whenever he comes out, his eyes are red and swollen. I never guessed it was you he's crying about."

"Wait, you knew?!"

"Of course I knew. I'm your dad and I approve of him a million percent. He's the husband I'm praying for you to have. That kid is very hardworking and will driven."

Hearing him talk about him makes my heart pound, "Thank you Dad and yeah, he gets whatever he wants."

"Just like his dad, but there's one thing they're not alike.."


"Their hearts. His father is arrogant, VERY arrogant, he acts as if he's the richest man in the universe, yeah he is but why does he got to be an asshole about it."

I chuckled, "Well, I might disagree slightly with that."


"Well, Shawn's cold before too. I used to call him jerk because he acts like one, he talks to me bossily, he tells me to do things for him and even make food late at night. I didn't like him, actually I hated him for being such a pain in the butt.. until he showed me that there's something in there. The qualities of a man I want to be with is there. He's.. sweet in his own little ways, caring even if he doesn't want to show it and soft even if he tries so hard to pretend he's tough."

"Sounds like a vow to me."


"You're 26, when are you going to give us a grandchild?"

"I just turned 26 and it's still not in my mind. But if it comes, then it comes."

"Looks like you two are having a great time." Mom says popping out of the kitchen.

"Yeah, just father daughter bonding." He says.

"You have to get some rest. You travelled for hours."

Dad stands up, "Actually, the jet lag is absolutely kicking in. I'm gonna go get some sleep."

I stand up and gave them both a kiss, and then a goodnight. I went upstairs to my room and it's locked. I didn't get myself locked out, didn't I?

"Hey." Shawn says from his room, "Be quiet, they're sleeping."

"Tippy and Sam slept in my room?!"

"Shhhh.. Come in here."

His rooms smells like expensive air, maybe because of the perfume he puts on his suits to keep it smelling good. He jumps on the bed and taps the edge.

"I told them to sleep on the other room, not mine."

"Forget it. They're probably too tired to get it."

I sat down on his bed, he wriggles his way to me and laid his head down on my thighs. I run my fingers through his hair while we stare into each other's eyes.

"Thank you." I said.

"Didn't you say that already?"

"I did, but I wanted you to hear it. So thank you, for taking my dad back home. It's been years.. it feels surreal."

"That's what I felt when I came back, it feels surreal to see you again and as much as I wanted to hug you, kiss you, I couldn't because you're mad at me."

I smacked his forehead with my palm.

"OW! Why'd you do that for!?"

"Because you left, that's why I'm mad!"

"I know! I'm trying to be romantic, geeezzz!"

I laughed and kissed his forehead, "Jerk." With a deep breath, "I'll go sleep in the other room instead."

"What?! No!"


"Sleep here instead."


"Why not? I'm your boyfriend."


"So I demand you to sleep beside me!"

"Bossy. Fine, just SLEEP. No more games or I'll kick you in the—"

"Of course. Since when did I break your rules? All this man wants is a cuddle."

I laughed again, "Alright dramatic boy. Close the door and then we'll cuddle to sleep."

He immediately stands up and bolts towards the door and shuts it close. Then we both lay in bed, he rests his head above my chest with one arm on my stomach. I continued caressing his hair until he falls asleep, I kissed his forehead before drifting off to sleep.

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