C h a p t e r [115]

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"This contains 1,650 words. Hope you read it till the end. Love you! —J."
Mom's about to collect the plates but I told her I'd do it and stay there to wait for what dad is talking about. She agreed. I collected the plates and brought them to the kitchen and washed them myself.

Just the slight sounds of the television noise coming in, and the rest is pure quietness. I accidentally looked at my wrist and panicked when I saw that my bracelet's gone; until I realized I hid it inside my drawers.

I continue washing the dishes, heart beating in nervousness and feeling so stupid for panicking. It only means he still matters. What I promised today.. about not thinking of him.. I broke it. He still came into my mind.

While washing the dishes, a loud greeting of good morning came from the door. Sounds like Tippy. I rushed washing the plates and wipe my hands with a towel, as I turn around, I was right. It was Tippy and Sam, carrying a box of donuts.

"Good morniiiiiinggggggg!" Tippy screams.

"Oh my gosh! Good morning to both of you!" I walk towards them and hugged them tight, "You guys are early! What's the occasion? What are we celebrating?"

"Celebrating? DUH! You owe me a movie!"

"Oh, yeah. But why this early?"

"I just wanna see your ugly face, that's all."

I laughed, "I hate you!"

"And we brought donuts!" Sam adds.

"Too early for those, you guys deserve a well made breakfast."

"It's never too early or too late for donuts, girl."

"You're always for sweets. Always a sweet tooth."

Tippy winks, "Ya know me!"

"But you know me, too. You guys sit down, I'm gonna make you guys breakfast."

"Wow.. are you really May?"


"My best friend usually don't take no for the foods I offer, no matter if it's morning, afternoon or night."

"Tips, I'm not saying no with those donuts, I'm going to eat them with you guys, but of course, you need to fill your stomachs first with—"

"Yeah, yeah. Okay. Make us breakfast Chef May."

"I'm not a chef." I laughed, "I just got used it so much."

And so, Tippy and Sam sat and put the box of donuts on the countertop. While I cook, we talk about silly memories but I know she is being cautious for she might or could've open things about him again. I made the same breakfast combo mom made for me and Aunt Mary, I put the dishes on the table and their faces got the same expression when I saw what mom cooked for us a while ago.

I sit in front of them and just watch them enjoy the food I made, but of course, a little chat.

"So, what are we gonna watch?" I ask.

"Is the slash slinging slasher now showing?"

"Dunno Tips. Maybe? I want to watch those greek gods."

"The Greek Lords?"

"Yeah. I saw the trailer and it was sick!"

"But you owe me, therefore it's my choice."

"I owe you Tips, but I'm the one paying, so I'm the one choosing the movie."

"You two watch your movie but me? I want a romantic movie." Sam said.

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