C h a p t e r [116]

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"Is that.." Tippy mumbles.

"I.. think it is.." Sam says in disbelief, "Is that really him..?"

The three of us seemed to have gotten our feets locked. Unable to move from what we heard. I know it hurts but it can't be him.

The song continues in a beat and strums of guitar, every word pierces the my heart, every word is a memory to remember.

"In my dreams you're with me, we'll be everything I want us to be and from there, who knows, maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time or is that just me and my imagination."

Tippy looked at me and she knew my world's cracking again. Everything is coming back. There is no assurance that it was him, singing the song, but as soon as the music faded, I turn around to look at the screen one more time, and there.. his name flashes by one of the lines.

"'Imagination' - Composed and Recorded by Shawn Mendes."

I look at them with the looks of already screaming for help. Someone tell me what I heard and what I saw is just a pigment of my imaginations. Tippy shakes her head, letting me know that what I saw is real.

Sam moves closer to the screen, taking small steps and slower, "That son of a bitch.. he's famous now.." he turns around in a fast sway, "May! Your boyfriend—"

"SAM!" Tippy yells in the cinema, making the exiting movie goers stop.

"I—It's okay guys. Let's.. let's go home."

"You sure May?" Tippy says as she moves besides me, trying to console me for what I saw.

"Yes.. unless you guys wanna go somewhere else..?"

They both shook their heads, maybe I ruined this day for the three of us. I should pretend to be happy and smiling, I don't want to crash this moments just because I found out that he's known around the world now.. that's for sure.

As we exit the cinema, I faked a smile and tried to not show how painful it was.

"Hey, come on you guys. I take back what I said about going home."

"Huh?" Sam says with his face washed in so much question, "But—"

"Hush. Do you think I don't know you're faking it May?"

"What? What are you saying? I'm not faking—"

"Girl, I know. Stop that or I'm gonna smack you in the face."

"No, really.. I want to enjoy this day with you guys.."

"Fine then, where do you want to go?"

"I dunno."

"That's what I thought."

"Tips! No! Fine! Let's go to the cinema!"

"Uh? But we just went there."

"I—I—I mean.. the restaurant! I'm hungry."

Tippy lets out a huge sigh, "Fine. Where?"

"I—I dunno. Somewhere." I said as if I'm getting crazy and about to break down.

"May.." Tippy says softly, "Take it all in. You're better than this."

I nod, I start to sniff and my eyes starts to itch, "I want to forget Tips! I WANT TO FORGET!"

"Oh May.."

In front of so many passing people, Tippy hugged me so they won't see a girl about to cry her dumb heart out. She rubs my back, hushing me like a mother trying to calm her child.

"It's okay.. You'll get over him."

"I thought.. I thought I already did Tips."

"That is normal. Completely normal. One day you'll know.. you're better off without that jerk."

In one sharp inhale, I suck it all up, covered my eyes with my hands and wipe it off dry to remove the approaching tears. I simper and asked them to go to the restaurant because I want to make sure eating will make me feel better.. for a short time.

So, we did. I ordered a lot. Just. A. Lot. I ate it all until I can't take it anymore. It's funny how I used to not eat and lose weight after he left me without a trace, now I eat like there's no tomorrow. This is the first time I put all my sadness in food.

"Ahhhh~" Sam said in pleasure, "Dang! I'm so full!"

"Same here." Tippy says tapping her stomach.

We waited a couple of minutes before we decided to stand and leave. Mind's flying, I still can't believe what I witnessed. Feels like a dream, it's so hard to take it all in, he composed and recorded a song; and let a lot of people hear it and know it.

The car stopped, "We're here." Sam said.

We open the car door and head out.

"Thanks guys." I said.

"Don't thank us yet. There's gonna be a next time." Tippy joked.

"Alright, but it's gonna be your treat."

"Then I'm gonna save a cent everyday."

"Cent?" I laughed.

"Dollars!" I said with a chuckle.

We head inside the house, but as soon as we open the door, mom came to us. Running and in overflowing excitement.


"What? Didn't we—?"


"What is wrong with you mom? What is happening?"

"Are you okay Mrs. Archer?" Tippy asks.

"Yeah. Are you okay?" Sam joins.


"What?!—WILL YOU TELL ME WHAT IS—" I failed to finish my sentence when mom suddenly grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me into the living room, "Mom! Wait! What did you even—"


"Mom! Why are you acting.."

Aunt Mary was fast asleep on the couch, the TV was on but in a low volume.

"Look! LOOK!" Mom said cheerfully pointing at the TV screen.

My eyes darts focused on the screen and to my surprise, it was him. Waving to the cameras and smiling sweetly. I was stuck, asking myself if it's real. Random question flooded my filling up brain. My heart's racing so hard like it's trying to rip my flesh and skins apart to get itself out.

His smile. I saw it again after an annum. Days have had gone past, hours and memoirs, now it's bombarding my mind and poor heart again.

Now how can I move on? The complete thought's there. HOW? I haven't seen him, I haven't heard him for so long.. and now everything about him is just gonna pop out of nowhere? Cinemas, TVs.. anywhere else?! I get that he's famous now but hell.. I don't want to remember him, see him nor hear him. If only I could put all the things about him on a piece of paper, then bury it 6 feet under.. if only it's that easy..

DREAM KINGS (Shawn Mendes x Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now