C h a p t e r [173]

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He smiled and said, "Love you more.." before proceeding to go to the living room with Harry and Yuna. Standing, I wonder what I should do while the three of them are busy. If I can't watch TV because they're in the living room, can't cook because Shawn and I already ate and Yuna doesn't like eating the food I make, what should I do? Browse the internet?

I've made myself an account but it's been years since I've logged in. Or should I just search Shawn's name and read interesting things about him, about his work and everything. Upstairs, I lay down in bed with my phone, "Let's see.. Shawn Mendes.." I type on the browser. Many things popped out. Such as his autobiography.

Shawn Peter Raul Mendes, born in August 8, 1998. He gained much followers and continued so on in 2013, posting song covers. The following year, he amazingly captured the attention of an artist manager named Andrew Gertler, and many following big companies like Island Records A&R Ziggy Chareton, that of to which led to him signing a deal with the record label. He has since released three studio albums, headlined three world tours, and received several awards.

That's impressive. He's grown into the man he dreamed of. As I swipe down to see more, these things comes last, he is a Canadian singer, songwriter, and model. Wait. Model? Model of what? Because of my stupid curiosity, I opened another window and searched 'Shawn Mendes Modeling.'

I thought he's modeling clothes, pants or accessories, but what I saw made my jaw drop and my eyes burn.

Eyes sprung wide open, I began to sweat excessively, my cheeks felt hot and the hairs at the back of my neck, arms and legs rose

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Eyes sprung wide open, I began to sweat excessively, my cheeks felt hot and the hairs at the back of my neck, arms and legs rose. I took a huge gulp, looking at his stomach and abs looking like small buns. With my cursed thoughts, I went and traced it down and made my heart pound so hard. STOP! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUDGE AM I DOING?!

I squeezed my eyes close and randomly swipe my thumb up to get to another picture. To which I stopped, made me even tremble.

I immediately throw my phone in the air, making it bounce somewhere on the bed

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I immediately throw my phone in the air, making it bounce somewhere on the bed. I sit right up, rubbed my face so hard and realized I've already seen his body in reality. Even felt his.. thing.. on my legs.. AND WHAT THE FUUUUUDGE AM I THINKING!? STOP!! MAY STOP!! I love him, I shouldn't be thinking things like this towards him.

DREAM KINGS (Shawn Mendes x Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now