C h a p t e r [135]

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The first chapter that reached 2,120+ words in this story. I'm sorry if some chapters are short. I hope you enjoy this one. Love you! —J.
I immediately pushed myself away and saw Sam and Tippy looking at us. At that moment, I realize, the boys are in between us and I've been doing crappy things beside him. He even passed me the popcorn! I thought it came from Tippy, I thought she was beside me. THAT TRAITOR!

The movie's getting intense and people are screaming while I'm just on my seat, in shock of the previous mindless things I did. Like a broken robot, my head turn lagging back to the screen and pushed myself backwards on the backrest of my hair, swallowed, fixed my hair by putting some strands behind my ear.

My chest's sucking in, almost hard to breathe. I pick up popcorn from the container and grasp a handful with my hands and eat like there's no tomorrow. The embarrassment's starting to get to me; and he was aware of all of this. He's there, not even saying a thing, just making me look like a fool talking to Tippy when he's seated next to me.

I proceed to watch and already missed some scenes, it was morning again and the husband was telling her wife what made him scream last night and what he saw. They both couldn't believe it and decided to go to a priest to ask what's better thing to do.

The priest simply says, "Pray. Read the bible and always trust in the Lord. Do not fret. These demons are from hell but you're created by God."

But we all know that priests in horror movies are not so relevant. They're also the ones who always dies either first or during blessing the house or right after it. The married couple took the priest's advice but the hauntings did not stop and it's starting to get more and more scary as time to time. Reaching the rising action of the story and when this happens, I always hide myself to Tippy but obviously she's two seats away and I'm upset for what she did. Letting this guy sit beside me is below the belt.

Though I feel shy for the stupid crap I did a while ago, I still wanna know if he feels the same too, besides he's been quiet all the time I was talking and holding his stupidly strong arm. I glance at him secretly and he's smiling. Smiling while watching a horror movie? What? Is he crazy? Or is it because of what I did?

Whatever. I looked back to continue watching and it's more intense than the beginning. The married couple began to experience things like vases getting thrown, plates, knives and chairs and tables. That night, they locked the door of their room and put catholic crosses all over the walls and back door, but we all know it's no use.

That night, they both lay down in bed, both were unable to sleep but confident that they're going to be safe inside the bedroom filled with crosses. So, they close their eyes and that moment, frightening things began to occur.

I twitch my toes inside my shoes, squinting my eyes so I could immediately shut it close when the scary part comes. The pans hanging above their kitchen countertop begins to sway like someone's playing them, the weak footsteps began to get louder like it's being stomped by an angry person. And from the shadow, a man with huge round yellow eyes and a big smile emerged, a smile that connect both ends to his ears.

My eyes were like an automatic detector, it automatically closed; more like squeezed shut when they saw the very life-taking scene. The thuds began to get louder and louder that it sounds as if I was in the movie and I'm hiding from it.

I open my eyes and there, I stiffen myself, I watched how the demon pushed the door with a smile on his face, the crosses fell and the couple woke up. The demon jumped on the bed and laughed, the husband immediately turned on the light and the demon was gone and the wife suddenly started laughing. Her voice changed like the previous owner's child. From feminine to deep, deeper and louder. More like a roaring laughter.

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