C h a p t e r [92]

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School today! Gonna be in hell for 10hours. Anyways, enjoy reading! Love you so much! —J.

I went back to Luke but he wasn't there. I look around but he's just nowhere in sight. Just.. gone. I don't know whether to feel pissed because I came back for nothing and wasted some effort or feel fine because I can be alone. I head back to where most of my group are. Lori's putting in-can drinks into the icebox and Tippy's barbecuing, the rest of the members of my group are either taking selfies along with the teacher companions, some are in their tents or swimming in the sea. Shawn and Yuna's not around, they're probably on their way looking around the place.

I breathe in the good Lozarius Juanico beach air and out my loneliness in a sigh. Tippy saw me and immediately called my attention. She flicks her hand, telling me to come to her. And so I did.

"May, Girl, I honestly don't understand you anymore. Like, seriously?"

"What? What did I do?"

"You did nothing. LITERALLY. I saw your boyfriend with that hoesferee, they went somewhere, I don't know where but somewhere. Aren't you even afraid that they might do something?"

I wanna tell her that even if I do, I have no rights. He can still do whatever he wants because he's not really tied to me; but I do believe in him. I know that he won't do things as such. We're not a couple but I know him and I'm a hundred and one percent sure that he won't do things like that.

"Not really. I know Shawn. I know he's not going to do the things like what you're thinking."

"How sure are you?"

"I love him and I just know.."

"The things you know isn't enough, May."

"If he really does something that violates the laws of relationships.. then.. it's on him.. the blame is on him.."

"Look, May, I'm not trying to make you think of things that could ruin his image but you're my sister. Though I ship you two really hard, my concern is you because you're my best friend."

Everything might be complicated for now but she makes most of it better, with her advices and funny way of showing it, I know she loves me like her own real sister. "Thanks Tips.." I said, "Don't worry, I'll be careful."

"You better be.. if you feel like you're hurting, if you feel like something's not right and your man tries to deny it when you confront him, then I advice you to distance yourself. Stay away from him and try to think about your capabilities. You're a strong person May.. I know that and I know you know that."

I bob my head and asked for some hug. She puts down the tong and wipes her hands and gave me a tight hug, "You're smart and I beg you to be smarter in the game of love."

"Yes.." I made a soft laugh, "With all of that scolding? Of course I will. Thank you Tips, I appreciate everything you said. I'll keep it as a reminder.. thank you.."

"Girl, you better. I did all of that talking and thought every word as if I'm Confucius." She sends a light laugh and then tapped my back, "You're always welcome.."

We then moved away and went with our ways. She continues to cook and I decided to go and watch the sending waves of the sea. I remove my shoes and sat down on the smooth textured sand. With a bare feet, I twitch my fingers and stretch them. Not thinking of anything, I try to meditate and focus and listen to the seawater. Without any expectations, the sand made a rustle and a large pair feet emerged on my side. I look up and see him. Not Luke, but Shawn. He bends his knees and sits beside me.

"Hey." He says.

"Oh, hey.. you're back. You done looking around with Yuna?"

He sniffs, turns his head left and right, then afar, "Yeah. It's.. boring."

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