C h a p t e r [70]

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I stood, we walked out of the pen with our hands held tight. Nezar was standing inches away from us.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

Shawn was about to tell me but he saw Nezar. He took me and we walk away a little away from him.

"This is so embarrassing.." he mumbles.

"What? Tell me what's wrong Shawn."

He breathes in and sighed, he swallows, "Okay, May.. I like dogs, but.. I'm allergic and traumatized. I got bitten when one of my classmates brought his dog to school and I got too excited and immediately tried to pet it. I'm afraid May, alright? I'm afraid of dogs but at the same time, I want to conquer that fear."

"You didn't mention to me that you're allergic and traumatized to dogs..?"

"I'm.. I'm afraid you might just laugh at me."

I shake my head, "Why would I laugh?"

"Nothing.. I just thought you would. The slug laughed at my face when she found out that I was afraid of dogs."

"Well, she's pretty stupid to laugh at someone who is traumatized. I just pray it won't happen to her someday at some point in her life."

"You're really something May.."

I smiled and wriggle our hands to remove his nervousness, "I'll be with you. Don't worry."

He nods, his grip relaxed slightly. We walked to Nezar and I asked him a favor.

"Hey, uh.. Nezar?"


"Shaw—I mean, my boyfriend right here is scared and traumatized of dogs, I just thought you could help?"

"I'd be glad to. What help do you need?"

"Well, if you could let one dog out, just to let him know that they're friendly..?"

"Actually, dogs aren't allowed to get outside of their pens."


"May, it's okay." Shawn says from my back while our hands are still tied.

"No, Shawn. You want to conquer your fear to dogs, right?"

"Well, yeah, but if it isn't allowed, then, I'd just stay outside the pen and watch you pet them."

"No." I looked at Nezar and whispered, "Please? He's just new here and it would be great if he'd get new memories here. He's from Canada and he's not allowed to go out and enjoy things like this because his parents are VERY strict."

Nezar sighs, "Only one dog."

"Yes. Yes, of course, absolutely. Just one. I just need to let him pet it."

"Fine." Nezar walks away to the pen.

I looked at Shawn, "Told you. Let's go." I said and followed Nezar.

Nezar opens the gate of the pen and let one cute labrador out. It went running and circling to us. Shawn's holding my hands tremblingly tight.

"Hello!" I said as I slowly let go of Shawn's hand and crouched and pet the cute fella.

Tail's waggling, tongue out, sitting like a behave little human. I run my hand on her hair and she seems to be enjoying the petting. Shawn looks frozen behind me, he wasn't moving, he wasn't speaking that I thought he had left me alone and escaped for his life.

"Shawn?" I look behind me and saw him standing still with his hands inside his pockets, I raised my hand mid air, asking for his hand. He looks at me with his brows raised.

"Give me your hand." I said.

He shakes his head, "No, I'm okay. I think I'll just—"


He closed his eyes so hard as he reaches his hand to me with his shoulders raised, I grabbed and pulled him to where I am and the dog. I drag him down to make him bend his knees and crouch. I carefully land his hand on the dog's head and helped him continuously run it on the dog's fur.

"Shawn, open your eyes." I said with a chuckle.

He slowly opens his eyes and his shoulders and whole body relaxed. A smile is starting to form on his lips; but when the dog laid on her back, Shawn had a jump from surprise, I laughed and told him that she wants to have her belly rubbed.

My legs starts to hurt, so I sit on the ground with my legs folded and pulled close; getting all comfortable with one dog and a scared cute Shawn Mendes beside me. Shawn then fixed himself and sat on the ground just like how I'm sitting. The dog was waiting to have her belly rubbed.

"Shawn, she's waiting for you." I said.

"What, what am I going to do?"

I put my hand on the dog's stomach and did a back and forth motion, rubbing the fella's tummy, "Like this." I said.

He gulps in nervousness as he carefully puts his hand on the dog's stomach and a little frightened, he rubs her. The dog even has her feet popping.

"She's enjoying it Shawn." I said happily.

"She does?"

"Yeah." I laughed.

All of a sudden, the dog stood on her feet. Shawn quickly pulled his hand away and hid his face at the back of my shoulder. I didn't react and acted cool.

"Shawn, she just stood."

He slowly turns his head to look at the dog, but he's still a bit afraid. The dog then sat, I reach my hand to her and she starts to playfully bite my hand.

"OH MY GOD! SHE'S DEVOURING YOU!" Shawn says as he grabs my wrist, trying to save my hand.

I laughed from his reaction, just pure cuteness, "She's just playing."

"PLAYING?! She's chewing your hand! Stop! MAY, STOP!"

I pull my hand away from the dog's mouth and pat the dog on the head, "Try it." I said.

"I did. And I think I'm okay with what I did."

"And..? Have you conquer your fear of dogs?"


"Have you?"

"Fine. I'll do it again." He says as he puts down his hand to her head and pet her.

We run our hands together on her head and he's eventually getting used to it, so I decided to slowly remove my hand and let him do it.

"M-May, what are you doing?!"

"You're doing it Shawn. You're petting her yourself."

Shawn looks at the dog and smiled a little, getting proud of slowly conquering his fear. Suddenly, the dog yanks her head and smelled his hand.

"May! It-It's gonna bite me." He exclaimed.

I didn't speak and just looked at him.


He closed his eyes, squeezing them hardly like he don't want to see and feel what is happening. I was slowly moving away from him when I was surprised with what happened next. His other hand grabbed me from the side of my stomach and pulled me closer to his side. He hardly pressed his face on my upper arm while muffling my name.

"May.. May.. MAY! Is she gonna chop off my hand?"

Feeling the heat coming from his nose and mouth beneath my shirt, I felt ticklish. His breath gets into my skin, sending shivers to my body.

"MAY!" He muffled again.

I chuckle, "Shawn, she's not gonna bite you. Look!"

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