C h a p t e r [82]

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Shocked from what I just heard, I don't know what to say but my heart is telling me thousands of words. I grit my teeth, it feels so good to hear it for the first time directly from his mouth. Not knowing what to say, I just let it be, but still, he talks, and not just any normal talks, his words.. he uses it so well to make me miss him even more.

He sighs, "I miss the old us, May.." He says like he's about to tear up, "I can't stand you calling me Mister Mendes."

"Isn't that what you want Mist—"

"No.. that's not what I want.."

"The way you act? The way you treat me? That was the before you.. and since you're being like that.. better yet I'll just do the same thing. Let's just be like the way we were before.."

He shakes his head, "I don't want that, May.. I'm sorry for being a complete asshole. I really am."

He stops walking but I didn't. I took three steps more when my wrist was snatched, he grabs it strongly fixed and pulled me in. I was surprised with what happened but I just realized that my body's pressing hard to his body and his arms, they're wrapped around me, secure and firm. The hug he's giving me is so tight, I can hear his heart, beating so loud nervously, and feel the structure of his chest and the warmth, like a thick comfortable blanket embracing my whole body.

"Forgive me.. I thought I can do it.. I thought I can just ignore you and won't feel any pain but.. it's.. it's killing me.. when we don't speak to each other, when we just act like one of us isn't there.. I can't do that anymore May.. I really.." he paused for a few seconds, "I really miss you.."

My hands, they slowly make their way to his back. I was trying too hard not to climb my arms up but the majority of me is controlling me to hug him back and it transpired. I reached my own hands and locked my fingers.

He wraps me in his body tighter, then he mumbles, "I hope this is our last.. I'm sorry, okay?"

I nod, "Don't be an ass, okay?"

He laughs, "Alright.."

We're hugging each other as the night sky emerged, he smells so good that I don't want us to pull away, I could be in his arms and sniffle his scent and not get tired of it. We slowly move away and our lips formed a smile, "Come on, let's go home." He says and puts one arm around my shoulders; and walked towards the house.

When we got home, the atmosphere and the aura of the house is so light and joyful. He helped me turn on the lights, after we drop our bags on the first step of the stairs.

"How about you May..?" He asks while removing his socks.

"What about me?"

"Did you miss me?"

I wanna say how much I missed him but I don't want to give him clues, he might just think something else. I want to take it slow, I love him but that doesn't mean it's gonna be a fast ride.

"I mean.. I told you what I felt, you should tell yours too, don't you think?" He adds.

"Fine." I flash a smile and walked to him, I stand before him, he stopped doing what he's doing and locked his eyes to mine, his face's washed in surprise. Figuring out what I'm gonna do, I grab and pinched his cheeks, "Shawn, I missed you too."

"AH!" He exclaimed.

I let go of his smooth face, he rubs his cheeks then smiled, "How much?" He asks.

"I'm not gonna tell, but I honestly missed you too."

He lifts his shoulders with a puckering lips, "Well, at least I know I wasn't the one. I'm okay even if you don't tell me how much, I'm fine knowing that you missed me too." He said as he heads into the kitchen.

Now that we're okay and eventually getting back to the way we were before, it's too good to be true. I head to the kitchen, made him dinner and there, we ate together. The food's lucky tonight it didn't get cold and put up to wait until morning to be consumed.

While he chews, he stares at me.

"What?" I ask, "Why're you staring at me like that?"

"Nothing.." he shakes his head with a smile.

After eating dinner, he helped me wash the plates. It feels like one of those movies where husband and wife does everything together and help each other to finish the job in a swish.. it feels like that.

We then tell each other goodnights then head upstairs to our rooms. A wide beam on my face as I close the door, I threw myself on the bed and reminisce what just happened earlier. The way he pulled me to his body and hugged me tight like he never wants to let go. The warmth of his body, the beatings of his heart and the feeling of safety in his strong arms. I'm glad we're trying to mend the broken hearts after those days and nights of fights and misunderstandings.

The next day, I head downstairs and see him sitting in the kitchen with a tall glass of water. He really looks good with that necklace, it makes him a hundred times more attractive.

He sips the water and licks the excess liquid on his lips, "Well.. good morning." He says like he's just woken up.

I'm starting to get red again, I put my head down and walked towards him with a fake rubbing of eyes, "Good morning to you too."

I lift my head and saw him staring at me, "What are you making me for breakfast?" He asks sexily.

"How about sunny side up eggs, bacons and pancakes?"

He smirks, "Sounds.. delicious."

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