C h a p t e r [21]

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Hi! I want to apologize for every chapter, taking almost like forever to update. Class starts in my country and there's too much happening here, homeworks, projects, activities and school performances. This would be my last year as a Senior High School Student, so.. I have to study hard to excel. Thank you very much for all of the amazing comments, messages and everything. I didn't know I'd be a part of the amazing Mendes Army. Thank you so much for the acceptance, love and understanding. —Jemay

The steaks are ready, so are the chicken breast and legs. Before leaving to put the food he's craving for on our table, I left the other raw foods he ordered on the grilling station, just as when I come back, they are all ready to be flipped over.

I held the plates with the cooked orders and delivered it on our place. Served him the steak and I served myself mine. He's still holding his finger while staring at me.

"What?" I said.


He uses a fork but it's a real struggle when you're using only one hand to slice a meat. I just watch him snap and clang the plate with the fork. The people takes a look every time the fork hits the plate and produces a high pitch sound. No matter how hard I try to enjoy the meal, it disturbs me to see him and hear the plates ting.

"Will you stop!?" I said.

"I can't slice the meat."

"Why don't you use your other hand?"

"I can't!"

"Yeah you can. Lift your finger and only use the four."

And so he did, with his index finger raised, holding the knife, it makes him look hilarious. He was able to eat but it makes him look really funny. I chuckle and he stares.

"Oh, so now it's funny."

I didn't speak and just continued giggling as I stood, went to the grilling station and flipped the foods over. When I walk back to our spot, he has taken another steak and again, struggling to slice the meat though he's using both hands except his index finger.

Sat down on my chair with the little smile from giggling still pasted on my cheeks, "Give me." I said.


"I said give me."

"There's still steaks on the trolley, go get yours instead of asking for mine."

I groan, "You're really a jerk," I pierce a piece of steak with the fork to my plate and cut them vertically. I stood up and went beside him, exchanged our plates. He wad quite surprised and was about to complain but when he saw the steaks cut into bite sized pieces, he didn't even bother opening his mouth to talk and blabber.

I went back to the grilling station and picked up the foods. All ready and well cooked but I'm already full and so is he. The plates were delivered back to the woman on the window, I also asked to have some paper bags for our orders to be taken out.

Spread opened, I put the cooked meats inside the bag while he just stands and see what I am doing and carefully holding his burnt finger. We head out of the restaurant, Mustaha immediately ran to open the doors but I have already opened mine.

"Here." I said as I put the paper bags beside Shawn.

"Put it beside you. There's no more space up in here."

"Whatever." I said as I put down the bags beside my seat, but I wonder if Mustaha had already eaten? I rustle through the bag and put out a piece of chicken legs, "Hey Mustaha.."

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