C h a p t e r [40]

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He probably washed them already. Or is my mom already back home? No.. she usually text or call me whenever she's back. It's probably him, but it's very very odd and confusing. Why would he wash them? Wait. Isn't his other finger's burnt? How would he wash them? It take him lots of minutes before he could wash them all with his single hand and he's not a leftie, so it would take him more minutes than that.

After I made his breakfast, decided to make one for me too. As I was about to eat, I hear him talking from the stairs.

"Yeah. I know. Mustaha's doing his job, he follows my orders. Doesn't matter. He's been there ever since and you're just gonna fire him like some of your new employees?! I don't care! He's family. For me? Yeah he is, but for you? It's surely never. Now you're switching topics, don't ask me about the school or the students and teachers right now, I just lost the good mood I've had last night. Yeah, I've had a good mood last night, what's your problem? Miss Archer's made me dinner. Wait, honestly, you know what?"

And that's where it ended. He didn't speak anymore, I guess he's hanged up the phone. He's had a good mood with the dinner I made for him. Just. Wow. He's very secretive, didn't know I've had made his mood good.

"Is she up?" He says. His voice bounces from the house.

I just listen to him until he decided to go to the kitchen where he found me, sitting and waiting with the breakfast already prepared.

"Oh.. you're.. already awake.." he says.


He sits down, "Guess you've heard what I said on the phone."

I didn't respond and just started eating.

"It's true though. Thanks for the meal last night."

"I.. look.. I'm sorry about yesterday. I honestly forgot about the treat I promised you."

"It's cool. You prepared so much dinner last night I have to wait hours before going to sleep." He says as he started eating, too.

"Well, I just hope you'd stay like this."

"Like what?"

"Like what you are right now. It's just.. easier to talk to you when you're not in your jerk mode."

He smiles slightly, "You said that before.. and I'll say what I said before too. I'm going try.."

I nod, "Okay.. I just have to wait again and hope to see it, then?"

He chuckles, "Yeah.."

We finished eating, I didn't ask him regarding the washed dishes, of how he washed them. I know it's pretty normal for a person to wash them after eating but why would he wash them himself? He's a wealthy raised guy and he wouldn't let his time be wasted by washing dishes with one hand.

We head out of the house and walked to school. For the last day of the event, there's only three more challenges to win. The Challenge-Me-Outside, the Race Over Handkerchief and the Singing Charades.

When we arrived, half of my group's already there. Waiting for me, the leader and him, the co-leader.

"Hey guys." I said, "Are we late?"

"No, not really." Tori says, "You guys are just in time."

I nod as I observe the open field. Tippy and Lori's away, distant from us, having a conversation with 10 other members of the student councils. Probably giving instructions for the Challenge-Me-Outside challenge.

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