C h a p t e r [134]

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"And? Do you love him?" Tippy asks.

"Who?" I stupidly answered, obviously she's talking about Harry, not Shawn; but I curiously asked who's she referring to.

"Um?" Tippy plucks up the side of her cheek and flattened her lips.

"OH! Harold?! O—Of course! Of course I love him!"

"And? Does he love you?"

"What kind of stupid question is that? Of course he loves me!"


"Hell yes."

Tippy stopped talking and looked back, and I did too because we thought they're gone but they're still behind us, walking but so quiet. Like they didn't liked what they heard that they both decided to just shut up.

"Yo, what happened to you two?" Tippy asks.

Sam laughed with a shrug, "I don't know too! Shawn here just stopped talking."



I secretly looked at Shawn's face and he looked back; accidentally, staring into each other. I looked away before it even make things more awkward. We then continue to head inside the cinema.

"ALRIGHT!!!!" Tippy yells, "Here we go!"

It was dark and the movie's about to start, the viewers were already settled and looking comfortable in their seats as we pass by. They can't clearly see our faces, they can't tell that we have a famous person with us. All the seats're mostly occupied but thank heavens there's still remaining 4 chairs on the 3rd row.

"Go in." Tippy says.

"Sit beside me." I whispered.

Tippy didn't respond and I have to ask her again multiple times for her to answer and say yes.

"Alright May, okay! Just go in! People're getting mad we're blocking their view!" Tippy aggressively said.

"Okay, cool. Hold my popcorn for a sec.. give it back when I get there."

"Whatever. Go ahead."

I gulp as I walk in front of the seated people, saying, "Excuse me. Sorry, 'scuse, scuse me." I then finally made it to the seat and with a sigh, I sit down. I looked at the screen and the commercials and other promos shows for minutes. The cinema vibes are starting to break, the big screen, the cold atmosphere, the silence and the excitement. Then, just a snap, the whole screen went full black and the horror movie is about to start.

Thunder sounds and screen transitions to a grayish color as the camera slowly goes down from the skies to a small house, raining heavily and the winds are blowing the trees, the gusts of wind can also be heard. I feel so nervous, I put my hand on Tippy's arm on the armchair and squeezed it, "GOD IT'S ALREADY SCARY TIPS!" I harshly whisper.

Tippy didn't respond and I don't care. I just put my hand there and reminded myself that I'm with someone I know and not alone surviving this horror movie.

The shot fades and showed a child's back, playing her dolls in the middle of the night while humming. Her mother comes in with a question, "Honey? Why are you up at 3:00?"

This child simply says, "I can't sleep mommy."

Her mother walks towards her carefully, she loves her but she's afraid why she's up and why she's playing her doll while humming. All of a sudden, another child's voice speak.

"Mommy?" She says and the camera speeds up to show a girl on her bed, eyes squinting, trying to figure out what's happening, "What's wrong mommy?"

The mother looked at her child who was playing the dolls, her face's washed in confusion. My grip on Tippy's arm increased, holding it tightly and hardly, I can feel my palm getting cold.

"Mommy?" The girl calls, her dolls began to laugh, "What's the matter mommy?" She says again but her voice do not sound small and lovely anymore but growly and shallow. She turns her head back to her dolls in a second, then turned it back to the mother and her face had already changed.

Everyone exclaimed in fright, including me. I covered my eyes and sucked my lips in. A loud scream echoed all through the place and the title flashed to the morning sun; and a decade already passed and a new family is now living in the old house where the previous haunting was.

I sigh in relief and my heart starts to calm down and go back to it's normal beat. I remember that I have a popcorn and I asked Tippy to hold it before I even went in to take a seat.

"Hey Tips? I'll be taking my popcorn now." I said without even bothering to look at her, all eyes into the movie, too afraid to miss a scene.

Tippy passed me my popcorn and I grabbed it and enjoyed eating. Eyes're pasted on the huge screen, the story continues. A new family decided to buy the old house for a cheap price. They didn't know that they're dealing with a greater one, the demons that's living inside the house. The sellers were truly heartless to sell a house infested with evil supernatural beings. They didn't think about the risk and dangers it might cause the family, they just thought of getting rid of the house.

"How can they be so heartless Tips!? They just sold that house to that family and they didn't even know there are demons in there!"

Tippy again, did not respond and all I heard was a hush and I have to apologize. The motion swoop into dark and it's night again, the family who bought the house starts to experience scary happenings like banging of the closets, moving of the chairs and footsteps. The husband woke up and stood, he went out of their bedroom to examine what's happening. If there's a burglar in the house or a killer or a cat or anything but he didn't found anything.

So, he decided to go back to their bed and faced her wife's fast asleep beauty, he closed his eyes and he did not saw how his wife's head turned and rotated all around, only us, the viewers did and gasped in shock and fear.

I landed my hand on Tippy's forearm again on the armchair, "Tips!"

Again, she's not responding. I pressed my lips hardly against each other and clenched my teeth. The husband opened his eyes and there, the camera angle focused on the wife's new face and now her eyes're yellow, round and big and she has a malicious smile.

We, the audience and the husband in the movie has the same reaction, we all screamed. I turn to Tippy and hid myself to her shoulder and almost dropped my popcorn, eyes're squeezed so bad, scared to death. Oddly, Tippy smells like a man's perfume. She's never wore a man's perfume before and never been a fan. However, this perfume honestly is 100/100 smelling so good.

Her shoulder also feels larger and harder. I open my eyes gently and did not moved away that quick. I prayed first that I'm not sitting beside a random stranger and certainly not beside Shawn Mendes. I swallow, nervous about all of the stupidity I did. I carefully move away, raised my head to check the person's face. And guess who it was? No other than.. Shawn Mendes.

I've been talking, screaming, holding and hiding all along not to Tippy.. but to him.

DREAM KINGS (Shawn Mendes x Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now