Starting to learn about who he is

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 The days went by and soon Adam felt it was time to go meet Sarah and so as he was eating his breakfast he then texted Sarah to say " so where can i meet you ? like at a cafe or something ?" before he then finished one piece of toast and sipped his coffee before he saw that she had sent " Sure how about the Moonlight cafe by the shopping mall ? does that sound good to you ?" he smiled as he did like going to that cafe due to the food and drinks that were there and so he nodded to himself before texting back " sure i'll see you soon" before finishing his breakfast and then drained his mug of his coffee before going to grab his sneakers and then tied them before heading out to his car and then turned it on before he pulled out of the driveway with " Pull The Plug " playing through the speakers .

Once he reached the small intersection where the cafe was he then pulled through to the parking lot before he parked and then sighed in contentment before getting his phone and then walked into the cafe before asking the young girl at the register " Hi can i get a small coffee please ?" to which she smiled and said " sure thing " as she motioned to her coworker to make the drink and while this happened Sarah got up before tapping Adam's shoulder and said " Glad to see you "with a smile on her face . they sat down with their drinks before Sarah said " OK once we'll finish our drinks we'll head out to the manor i am using as a base for now before we do anything else is that OK with you ?" and Adam nodded as he sipped some more of his coffee before he said " sure i don't have any problem with it but i am interested in learning about this ".

Sarah then smiled at as she also was interested about learning what she now knew and so she liked that he wanted to learn as well before she said " alright so let's wait a while " as they sipped their coffees for the moment . Once they finished their drinks Sarah said " alright follow me in your car before we go to the manor " and so she sat in her seat on the bike before she then pulled out and Adam followed her in his car for the next few minutes as they went to a cool yet dark manor that had black crosses on the windows as well as a air of fear around it and so Sarah motioned to the building before she said " alright what do you think of this little place ?" with Adam looking amazed at the size of it before he said " it's cool so this is where we will be working ?" before Sarah nodded as she opened the door and they walked into the main lobby.

As Sarah closed the door to the entrance a man walked out of the door next to the stairs that went up to the upper level before saying " Ah Sarah good to see you back here and who might this be ?" as he looked over Adam with a interested eye . Sarah smiled at him before she said " Albert this is Adam who you might want to know is Luke and Kara's son or as you know the royal prince " which got both of Albert's eyes widening before he smiled in a happy manner and then shook Adam's hand as he said " Well it's a great time to meet you Adam i'm Albert but you can call me Al and if you need anything let me know " as he smiled again and left the room . Adam turned to his new teacher before he asked " so what now ? where are we going ?" with Sarah thinking about it for a minute before she said " let's go to the library first as i want to educate you on your race's history " as the two of them left to go to the library before Sarah opened the doors that led to the room.

Then she led him over to a table and then as Adam sat down Sarah said " sit and i'll be right over " as she headed to a ladder before going up to a certain section and began to pick out some books . While Sarah was on the ladder Adam took out his phone and then sent " Hey it's Adam i'm with Mrs King and so if you want to do anything later send me a message OK?" to Alice before he turned around and looked at the different things in the room where there was a bunch of paintings with different images such as one painting having his parents on two thrones in a different room while there was another image of what looked like a book with black vines and dark looking inscriptions on the cover while the pages had cryptic words on them which Sarah saw him looking at.

So she said in a wary voice " Don't worry we will discuss what that is so just hold on " before she put the books down and then said " alright first we are going to discuss the past of the Shadow People or Shadow Beings which we are also called " . Then Sarah said in a low tone " In the beginning of our race's past there was a man who served as a warrior in the army of the Shadow man who in appreciation for his soldier's faith gave him a orb with the power to make him stronger than he was at the time and so he was told to imbue it into his body which would increase his power to unknown levels and so he did but at the same time it corrupted him and so he became known as the Corrupted One so he was sent away to a unknown place but he was able to disperse his power out to our people before we gained the skills we have now and so it has gone through the many members of the Shadow People before it has now reached you "

Then as Adam listened to this he was shocked but amazed at the same time before Sarah said " now that you know what should we teach you first ?" with Adam looking at his phone before saying " can we do this another time i have to go home " with Sarah nodding and she said " OK that's fine let's make this for tomorrow or something " before Adam drove home and then sat down for dinner before eating his food and then went to bed a while later . 

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