Adam vs Gemma and Auriex getting the necklace

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 As Dante was coming back to the manor with the Dark Soul Crystal Auriex opened his eyes in his twisted happiness as he knew his foes had the crystals to possibly stop him and that meant he would get a good challenge out of them due to his respect for them growing as well as his hatred for them since he didn't like that they were trying to prevent him from getting the upper hand and so as he got up from his slumber he thought to himself " OK they can't win yet i have the blood but i will need the necklace since i have the tome so i'm heading out to do this myself " before he refreshed his body and then headed out to his armory before he grabbed his weapons and then said to his men " Let's go we have a target for today" with his men cheering .

So then they teleported out of the manor before stopping at the cafe where Auriex sent in his third in command who was a woman named Gemma who had silverish hair and blue eyes as well as a cold look in her eyes into the small eatery before he waited outside . Gemma walked into the cafe and said " Adam Daniels we need you for something " with her eyes sending him a look that said Comply or Else before Adam shook his head and grabbed her arm before dashing and throwing her into the parking lot which knocked a lot of dust up and a angered Gemma said " Alright bring it you punk " before Auriex sat down and smirked as he said to himself " Let's see who wins " . Gemma dashed forward before whipping out her weapons which were a pair of swords that were suddenly engulfed in electricity before she said " Let's see what you got".

Then she clashed her blades against Adam's which clanged against them before they struggled to gain dominance over each other until Adam rolled to the side before kicking Gemma and knocking her a few feet from him which allowed him to form his pistols and fire a series of shots from the guns which struck Gemma and caused her to grimace in pain . Adam then formed two chains from his hands that gripped Gemma before he asked " what do you want with us ? i mean i attacked you which is my fault but at the same time you seem to be working for him aren't you ?" with Auriex smirking as he fell to the ground and said " I am right here Shadow Being but yes she is with me now hand over that necklace or " as he held Alice in a hold with telekinesis with a sword of fire in front of her " she dies " .

All the while Auriex said this with a smirk on his face while Gemma said to Adam " Please i know i am a bad person for working with him but i know that you wouldn't kill me if i didn't do anything to you right ?" before Adam sighed and let Gemma fall to her knees . Auriex then said " I would think you would want her safe and sound before anything happens to her " before Adam threw a knife at him with a look of hope in his eyes but Auriex smirked and gripped the knife as it shattered before forming his swords and dashed forward before Adam gripped his own swords and they clashed for the next few minutes . Gemma held Alice up and said " I don't kill innocents which you are and i know that i look like a bad person for working with Auriex but i promise you i have a good code of morals " which Alice nodded at in agreement .

Then she was forming a series of sickles and throwing them at Auriex which distracted him before Adam impaled him through the stomach which amused Auriex and said " Good attempt but i win " as he gripped Alice's necklace off of her neck and proceeded to throw her to the side which knocked her out . Adam looked shocked before he rushed over to Alice's side and used his energy to awaken her before Auriex smirked and said " We'll see each other again " as he faded away which left Adam clenching his teeth in anger before Alice said " Don't worry we'll get him " . Then as Adam and Alice were at his house he said to her " Sorry about not being able to keep him from taking your necklace " with Alice shaking her head and saying " We'll deal with it but for now let's keep our heads alert for anything he does " .

So they sat down and sipped some apple cider before Sarah called them and said "Are you guys alright ? " with Adam nodding as he said into his phone " Yeah we're OK but we got attacked and Auriex got what he needed which was the necklace " which made Sarah pale before she said " alright let's get together tomorrow and see what we can do " . Adam nodded with Alice doing the same thing before she got up and kissed him as she said " I got to go home OK ?" with Adam walking her to the door and she said "Call me if anything happens " and Adam nodded in agreement before she headed home and he sat on his bed to do some meditation for some time before it was soon time to do some writing for him .

At the same time Auriex smiled amusingly as he held the necklace in his hand and said " Soon all of this world will burn and i'll have my wife with me " before he sank into a sleep state. 

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