The attack on the school

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 That morning which was around the end of the month which was now becoming April Adam was worried about something as he was walking into his room from his workout and so as he then ran his fingers down his stubbled face he said to himself " i wonder if anything is going to happen today " while he got dressed and also splashed a little bit of cologne onto his torso before he grabbed his phone and wallet and then headed down to the kitchen before he ate his breakfast and then said to his brother " Did you feel anything this morning like any bad vibes or anything ?" before Connor shook his head and said in a uncertain voice " Maybe i haven't really concentrated on the feelings in the air you know ?" with both of them getting up and headed out to their cars before Adam stopped at Alice's house as she was sitting down on the steps and waited for him.

Once she saw him Alice smiled at her boyfriend and noticed the look on his face which worried her before she said " You look like something is going to happen babe what is it ?" with Adam shaking his head as he pulled out of the driveway and said " we'll see how the day goes and see what happens OK babe ?" which Alice felt was unnerving to her but she nodded and they walked to the hallway where their lockers was and then Adam kissed his girlfriend before opening his locker and said to himself " I can't shake this feeling oh well i hope nothing really bad happens" . As Alice stopped by her boyfriend's locker a few moments later she asked Adam " so what do you think will happen today as you seem to be concerned about something big judging by your face " with Adam running his fingers down his neck in nervousness.

Then he said as they walked to their classes " I don't know but if it happens then we'll be prepared for it " and Alice kissed his cheek then . Once the morning was over Adam was walking out of his Chemistry class when he then saw what seemed to be a series of men coming out of a truck that was parked in the side of the street and so he frowned before heading to the cafeteria as he thought " This doesn't seem good better tell this to Alice " as he sat down at the lunchroom table . Adam opened his copy of " Wonder Woman " and began to read some of it while sipping on some of his Sprite and as Alice sat down with her own tray of food she said " do you know anything about those people that came out of that truck earlier ?" which Adam raised a eyebrow at before he asked " what do you mean babe ?" .

Alice said " i was walking to here when i saw some guys walk into the lobby by the entrance and so i wonder if they're going to do anything you know ?" which Adam nodded at before he said " i don't know but i'm keeping them in my mind so i won't be caught off guard" and so they ate their food and worked on their homework before heading off to their next classes . The day was going good for the time being when Adam was in his final class of the day when suddenly as the class was working on their tests for the period a bunch of men and women barraged the classroom with smoke and one of the men who was silver haired and brown eyed said " Now we are only here for one thing and that's all now we just want Adam Daniels where are you ?" before Adam's heart was pounding hard due to his nerves.

So he got up and said " Here i am what do you want with me ?" before a woman with black hair and blue eyes said in a warm yet serious tone " We just want to talk to you that's all i promise now if you could come with us " and so they headed out of the room before Adam sat down in a chair in a computer room and said " now what do you want ?" . The man with silver hair said " We are here to see if we can offer assistance to you and your team for stopping Auriex from accomplishing his plans as we also have a grudge against him and so we want to stop him no matter what " which Adam nodded at before he said " OK i'll let my team know and i'll see what we can do " before there was sudden attacks through the school and so Adam rushed out of the room before he saw several soldiers with black veins on them .

So he formed two swords before he rushed towards them and then cut them down before he took out his phone and sent Alice a picture of them before he said " babe watch out there are goons rushing towards you in the school so be careful " and then sent the same message to Connor before he then ran through the hallways and then cut down any of the soldiers before the day was soon done .

Later that night as Adam and his girlfriend laid on his bed and talked about what happened he said to her " How'd you do against them ?" with Alice smiling before she said " killed them with most of my magic so don't worry babe " before she kissed him and then they fell asleep for the reminder of the night . 

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