Learning about Soul Splitting

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 At around the time that Adam was in the hospital due to his blackout from the surge of evil that he had felt that day he was waking up in his mind again but this time he saw and felt his mental world be more cold and darker and so as he walked up the stairs to the upper first level he saw a door leading to the library where he walked in and sat down as a cup of tea was in front of him and so as he drank his tea he saw another object be placed in front of him which was now a book labeled " Soul Splitting " . Adam was not afraid of this and so he then opened the book before he saw the bookmark which was in the middle of the book move to his hand and then writing appeared on the paper which read " If you want to know more about this read these pages " .

Then the page numbers appeared on the note and so Adam flipped to these pages before he then saw a chapter which then opened to show that it was about how a Shadow Being was able to split their soul in two and then they could in theory have two beings in the world but this was dangerous as the other half could be damaged mentally or physically and could also turn dark or corrupted which if the two halves were to merge back together would damage the whole being . Then as Adam sat back down with this new knowledge in his head he then sighed before rubbing his nose as he said " no use dealing with it now but i'll keep it in here so i can tell Sarah about it and see if she knows about it " before the book went away and so Adam headed out of the room before he saw another door leading to a room full of weapons with many types from swords and blades to guns and spears and so as he picked up a pair of short swords a series of enemies appeared looking like Kai .

So then they growled in a manner that Adam could understand before they charged him with foam in their mouths and as Adam gripped both swords he blocked their weapons before throwing them to the side as he then slashed outward in an arc which destroyed two of them and left Adam with one set of enemies who wanted him to feel pain . The cloaked men dashed behind Adam and attempted to bombard him with numbers before Adam slashed out and cut several of them down with a series of slashes before leaping back and then took a staff off the racks before sweeping outward and then knocking a few of the cloaked figures out with blows to the head and torso that had a good amount of force in them . Eventually they were almost knocked out except for two of them.

So Adam stabbed through one of them with a pair of daggers before he threw one of the blades into the chest of the other men before he ripped off the cloak and saw a face with red blackish eyes and a sinister look on it's face as the being ripped out the dagger and said " He's coming for you you just don't know who " before Adam woke up a few moments later and then sighed in annoyance as he saw the rain pouring down the outside . Getting out of bed Adam then headed out to the other part of the room and then sat down before working on his meditation and his crunches for the next few minutes before he got up and headed to the bathroom before turning on the water and then began to do his cleaning routine for a few moments .

After that Adam sat down for breakfast with some food on his plate before he turned on his phone and then checked the weather to make sure the rain would not be pouring all day only for his anger to be rising a lot due to the rain being confirmed to keep pouring and so he then poured his cup of coffee down his throat before finishing his food and then headed out to his car before plugging in his phone and then turned it on before selecting "Skeletons " as he pulled out of the driveway and then headed to school for the morning before parking and then opened his locker a few minutes later as he wanted to avoid the annoying feeling due to the rain and then he saw Alice walking towards him with concern on her face so she asked " you OK ? you seemed ticked off for some reason ".

Adam was then sighing in relief at her being there before he whispered " Yeah it's the rain and the weird dream i had this morning which freaked me out " before Alice nodded in understanding as she said " well how about this why don't you tell me about it later at lunch or when we're alone OK?" which Adam nodded at and then softly kissed her cheek before they walked to their classes , The time went by and soon Adam was then sitting in his gym period for the morning when he then felt the same pain in his chest as he gripped it and unknowingly saw a young man sitting in a bar with a coke can in his hand and what surprised Adam was the creepy resemblance to him which made him gasp in shock and fear before he saw most of the people had left the gym and headed outside for their laps .

So then Charlie said " you OK man ?" before Adam nodded and they went about their laps . Once the class was done Adam was walking into the cafeteria where he then sat down with his books and worked on some of his homework for the period while eating some of his food until Alice sat down and asked " so what happened ? i mean in your dream " before Adam looked up and said " OK but i don't know if you're going to believe me this time so here it goes : i was standing in this room where i found a library that gave me a book on Soul Splitting and it seemed to want to have me learn some of the book before i left and then fought off some enemies before i then woke up " and as Alice listened to this she kept her mind open to any observations before she said " well maybe this is something important so let's keep our eyes open before we do anything"

She swallowed some coke out of her can before she then continued with " also you can go to Sarah about it in the meantime if you want to" and at that moment the bell rang with Adam and Alice nodding at each other before heading to their final classes . The day was soon done and so Alice and Adam worked on their homework for the time being when they were at Adam's house before they sat down on the couch and then turned on the TV as they watched some Punisher on Netflix until the moment where Adam had his head on Alice's shoulder which made her smile and she then squeezed his hand before relaxing as the show was almost over .

Once they were done Adam and Alice made out for some time before Adam leaned his head against her and said " so you want to be my girlfriend ?" before Alice smiled happily and said " of course you doof" with a giggle before she then went home a while later and Adam then sat down for dinner before he meditated and then went to bed . 

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