Adam's feelings grow stronger

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 As the night went on that upcoming day Adam was suddenly woke from his sleep by a nightmare he had just experienced that last hour which had freaked him out a great deal . The dream had started off in a great way where he and Alice were at a party and had been sipping their cups of soda and overall having a good time before they wanted to have some alone time and so as Adam had pulled her closer to him Alice said " you want to have some fun time with me?" in a breathy voice which made Adam groan in amusement before he said " let's find a private room" and he had grabbed her hand before they walked down the hall and found a room that had a bed and seemed to be empty so Adam pushed Alice against the wall and they began to make our for the moment .

Adam then pulled away before he had a look of shock as the same young man that was in hs mind earlier in the month stood in front of him before he then grabbed his throat and said as he tilted his head in curiosity " What is it that drives them or rather drives you ?" before throwing Adam across the room and suddenly forming two swords before charging at Adam and then slashed him across his wrists before Adam at that moment woke up. Then as he was laying there on his bed with sweat down his face he thought to himself " That was a rush and not in a good way " as he then got to his feet before walking out to the bathroom and washed some water onto his face for the next few minutes . Once he was done Adam then looked at himself in the mirror before he noticed that his arms now bore two slash marks on the skin .

This shocked him as he did not know what caused them or at least what could cause him to get slash marks on his arms without him causing it . Once that was over Adam then sighed and walked to the living room before he took out his phone and then sent Alice a message which read " I had the creepiest dream last hour ago want to know about it ?" before he then made himself some food which consisted of fruit and toast with peanut butter on it and as he sat down with the food Alice sent back to him " Yeah sure go ahead let me know " before Adam sighed again and said in his message " well it started with us at a party and we were getting hot and heavy for the moment before this guy who looked like me appeared and attacked me which i don't know how caused me to have wounds in my arms that are actually real you know ? here i'll show you " .

Adam then put his camera on before he then took a pic of his wounds before sending the pic to Alice and then said " let me know what you think?" before eating the rest of his food . Alice was sitting at her table eating some food of her own before she then saw Adam's message which she answered " yeah that looks real like i don't know maybe we can talk to Sarah about this " as she swallowed some eggs and then grabbed her bag before heading out to her car and then she pulled out of the driveway before heading to school where she then parked and then headed to her locker. As she opened her locker Alice brushed a lock of hair behind her ear before she felt Adam's hand on her shoulder and so she turned around before she kissed his cheek and said at the same time " you OK ? cause you seem nervous about something " with Adam shrugging before he said " just a little concerned about what that dream meant but i'll deal with it later " .

Then he handed her his hand and so she put her hand in his before they walked to their classes for the next few hours until it was time for lunch . Adam squeezed his burger before taking some bites of it as he also swallowed some of his fries as well and said to Alice " so how did you sleep this morning ? you know before i sent you that text ?" with Alice shrugging while eating some of her sandwich and said " it was fine but i'm more concerned about you i don't like seeing you worried about stuff " which Adam nodded at but said in a quiet tone " i like to think i got a good reason to be worried for today " as he swallowed some of his coke . At that moment Adam's eyes widened as he got up to see the world had frozen for the moment and as he looked around he saw a corridor of black and red energy form before the same young man from his dream walked out.

He then smirked at him while crossing his arms as if he didn't find Adam a threat. Adam said in a dangerous tone " who are you ? you don't seem like a person that's friendly" as he formed his fists with his hands before on his fists formed his gauntlets that had black spikes on them while also bearing the Raven mark on them as well. The young man said in a silky yet dark voice " Well we could say i'm here to TEST you if i may " as he walked around the room and raised his hand to point at Adam before he said " Come fight me " as he then dashed towards Adam who charged forward with their weapons meeting in the middle . Once Adam got the upper hand he then kicked his foe away before he then leaped into the air and then plunged downwards to do a ground strike but his foe leaped away to escape it .

Then they exchanged flurry of blows to each other for the next amount of time before Adam then punched his opponent through the chest which got a amused smirk on the other guy's face before he said " we'll meet again " and then walked away into the corridor of energy. Adam then found the world being back to normal and so he then grabbed his books before heading to the next set of classes . Once the day was over Adam was sitting at home working on his homework while eating some food before he then called up Alice and told her about what happened . Alice said " that's just wow you know i mean i know you will have a exciting life but i didn't think it would be this exciting " with a smile on her face from where she was sitting in her room as she was reading through her copy of "The Fellowship of the Ring " .

Adam said " yeah but whatever it's over now i wanted to say that due to that dream i wanted to say that i might potentially like you more than i do now you know ?" which Alice then asked " so what? you want to be more ? i thought we were together ?" before Adam said " yeah but i just wanted to say that i hope we can go further in the future you know ?" which Alice understood and so she said " i'll talk to you later " with a hopeful smile on her face before they hung up . That night Adam was finishing some of his writing before he then sighed and then went to bed . 

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