Meeting up with Alice

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 Along with having their numbers Adam also had Sarah and Layla's emails as well and so as he was sitting in his den working on some writing he had planned to do for the morning before school he then opened his email before bringing up two message boxes where their emails were in the contact part and he wrote " Hey it's me i was just wondering if you wanted me to practice any more of my abilities while i'm working on the ones you just showed me as i'm always willing to work on the other powers too " before he finished the email he then sipped some water before writing down " plus i can also use the more non conspicuous abilities at school like the shadow vision and enhancing my physical skills so if you have any ideas or anything let me know ok?" before he then sent both emails .

Then once that was done Adam then finished his current writing session which was where his main character Alex was working on finding a new job for his teen life as he wanted money that he had earned himself while still at school and at the same time finding out who he was. So once he was done Adam saved his writing before going to his bedroom and getting ready for his workout and once he was done headed to the weight room before picking up the weights and then started to work on his muscles for the time being with " Honor For All" from the Dishonored soundtrack playing in his earbuds . Once he was done Adam then got up before moving on to the next part which was a run around the block .

So then as he then pulled on his sweatshirt to keep him warm before he then began to run his way down the block Adam thought to himself " i wonder if Alice would like to go to the park for a date? as in maybe we could bring food and just relax by sitting on a park bench or a picnic blanket for the date " then he crossed the street before heading to the next corner before he reached the end of the street and then came back home before heading into the weight room and then took off his sweatshirt before he began to do his last set of pull ups for the workout session . After that Adam then was standing in the shower washing his sore muscles while singing to himself " Runnin " by Adam Lambert which was a good song in Adam's mind .

It felt like he could relate to it if he was in that mood as in if he had just been running from what his heart desired so he would keep playing it on different times when he felt like listening to it as well as using it for inspiration for when he wrote and so he stepped out of the shower before drying off and then as he was now dressed Adam headed to the kitchen before making breakfast which consisted of hot oatmeal and some coffee which sounded weird but he liked it so it didn't feel different to him before sitting down and reading through his phone for the time being . After he finished his food Adam drained his coffee before he grabbed his phone and then said to Connor " you dude want to come with me to the park or go to the mall or something if you're not busy ?".

Sadly his younger brother said " wish i could dude but i have somewhere to be is it cool if we hang out later tonight or something ?" with a apologetic tone in his voice which Adam nodded at and replied " sure i have no problem with this go ahead and do your plans for today " as he walked to the car and then drove to the Moonlight cafe before he then texted Alice with " Hey babe i was wondering if you wanted to meet me at the cafe and we can hang out here for some time ?" before walking into the cafe and then stood in line with the line going up until it was his time and so Adam then gave his order in before sitting down and then opened his messages before deleting some as he didn't need them for now before his order was ready and so he got up before grabbing it and then he noticed Alice walking into the small cafe before she smiled at Adam .

Alice kissed his cheek before saying " hey sorry i'm late i was reading over my paper for History " which Adam smiled at and nodded before saying " it's ok i know you would let me know if anything happened or was going to happen " as he then drank his hot chocolate before Alice went and got her own drink as she was pretty thirsty herself . Once they finished most of their drinks Adam asked " so what do you want to do during other dates that we're on like do you want to go to the park or have a picnic or something that catches your interest ?" before Alice thought it over as she drank her coffee and as she had a good idea in her head she said in a eager tone " well how about we go to the park and we just bring food while we just relax you know ? "

Alice then drank some more of her coffee before saying the next part "i mean it's kinda like your picnic idea but we can also bring a ball to throw or just sit on the grass and let the air affect us you know?" which Adam smiled at and said " sure i like the idea let's see where the days brings us OK?" and Alice nodded before they got up and threw out their drinks before heading to their cars . Once he was home that next hour Adam then worked on some writing before he took a nap and then got up for dinner before he ate his food and then finished his writing before going to bed . 

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