Keeping a eye out for people

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 Soon the break was over and so it was now time to go back to school for Adam and his brother as well as Alice and so as he was standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom next to the weight room Adam then brought the electric razor up to his growing facial hair and then shaved off the hair on his face before he washed out the hair out of his razor and then finished with his chin before he then washed his face off and then headed to the weight room before sitting down and tying his sneakers as he was already fully dressed for the moment and so after he got up Adam headed to the weights before grabbing two ten pound weights and then started to do his usual routine of twenty reps and then ten reps with the weights while in the corner his speakers played his music from his phone .

Then as he was working out Adam was thinking to himself " So far i have gotten a lot of training in and am also working on keeping a eye out for any worrisome people or groups and so far it's been pretty peaceful " before finishing his weight lifting and then headed over to the pull up bar before grabbing the bar and then lifted himself up before going back down and then did that for a while as he wanted to get a good amount of exercise in for the day before he had to go to school . Once he was done Adam then headed into the shower for the morning as he wanted to get some thinking time to himself for a while as well as he had a feeling which was unnerving him . So as he got showered Adam thought to himself " What is this feeling i keep sensing in my mind it is weird to me and i can't stop feeling wrong like something bad is going to happen " before he stepped out of the shower and dried off before getting dressed and then sat down for his morning meal .

Connor put some food onto his plate and brought over another plate to Adam who was looking out the window before he looked up and said to his brother " Thanks man sorry about that " as he accepted the food before Connor said " you OK dude ? you look worried about something " which Adam said to " It's probably nothing but i feel like something is going to happen and it will not be good " . Anyway the next few minutes were full of Adam and Connor driving to the school and as Breaking Benjamin's " Breath " played through the speakers it did nothing to make Adam feel better and it only increased his nerves which eventually led Connor to say " calm down man you'll be fine " as they walked to their lockers . As Adam opened his locker he felt a breeze pass his neck before he heard in his head " Soon we'll meet and you'll see the truth KING" which made him gulp in his throat .

He then took out his books and said to himself " that was weird but i hope nothing else happens" as he saw Alice walk up to him and frown at the look on his face as she said " you seem worried babe " before kissing his cheek and they walked to their classes for the morning . As soon as it was time for Lunch Adam walked out of his final class for the morning before heading to the lunchroom and as he sat down with his tray of food for the moment he looked around before feeling like someone was watching him and so he got up before looking around the room only for him to see no one that looked suspicious and so he sat down at his seat before digging into his cheeseburger for the moment .

Alice squeezed his hand as he was rubbing his arm to try to get some good feeling into his body and said " It's alright babe no one is going to hurt you i promise you that " before Adam shook his head and said in return " I hope i don't know why this keeps hitting me you know ?" as he finished his History work before he was approached by a man and woman with suits with a pin on their chests that had a Sun on it as well as a Aura that screamed "Dangerous " as the man who was bald and with a stoic look on his face said " Are you Dante ? if you are we need you to come with us " with the young man saying " sure " as he got up before the woman who was a young Asian woman with black hair down to her shoulders and grey eyes said " She must stay " before Alice responded with " Fine but i'll talk to you later " and then kissed Adam .

Then as the three people walked into the gym Adam asked " so what's going on ?" before the woman whipped out her guns and began to fire on his body and so Adam formed a shield and sword before he deflected the bullets and said " whoa what's going on here ?" with the man saying " you must die !" as he rushed towards Adam and began to engage him in hand to hand combat . Adam held off the two warriors before he inflicted two slashes that were critical to their bodies and as they left they said " We'll come back for you Shadow Being don't you forget it " before Adam shook his head and then headed to grab his bag before heading out to his classes .

Once the day was over Adam was sitting down at the cafe while sipping some hot chocolate for some time as Alice sat down next to him before she asked " so they were trying to kill you it seems ?" with Adam nodding and saying " yeah i think they might have been members of the Order of the Sun or something i'll ask Sarah and Layla " before finishing his drink and then they headed home before Adam did his normal routine for the day and then later that night went to bed feeling hopeful things will be better. 

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