Alice meeting Dante

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 The next morning or at least around the early part of the day Adam was suddenly woken by a clap of thunder in the sky which annoyed him due to his problems with the rain and cold and so as he got out of bed he stretched before heading to where his phone was and texted Alice with " Hey i might not be able to see you later as i have some things to do but i'll tell you about them at school OK ?" and then he put the phone into his pocket of his sweats before turning the shower on and as he stepped into the water he thought to himself " Even if i feel more like who i really am i still have to deal with that guy who looks like me and i still don't know how he's connected to me " as he washed himself down with water before cleaning his hair and body .

After he stepped out of the shower Adam got dressed and then grabbed some books before sitting on the couch in the den and with the light on began to read them for the morning before he would go make breakfast since he wanted to have some time to himself and so he opened his copy of American Assassin before he plugged his phone earbuds into his ears and for the next few minutes began to listen to Linkin Park while reading . Eventually Adam turned off his phone and headed to the kitchen before he found his parents cooking breakfast or at least his father cooking eggs and toast while his mom was sipping some coffee and checking her messages on her phone.

Then as he walked into the room Luke turned to his son and asked " Hey son what do you want with your food ? Ketchup or anything ?" before Adam shook his head and said " No thanks i'm good " as he sat down and deleted some messages that he didn't read anymore while Luke was putting the food onto his plates and bringing them to the table . Adam and Connor grabbed their bags and headed out to the car before Adam then pulled out of the driveway and was soon on his way to school and so as Adam drove there Connor asked " so how things going between you and that hot redhead ?" before Adam rolled his eyes and said in a exasperated voice " first Alice's a auburn haired girl and two it's going good why you asking ?" with Connor shrugging his shoulders.

He then said in response " just wondering i think she's good for you and i bet she feels the same about you " which made Adam smile before they pulled into the parking spot and headed into the school where Adam said " i'll see you later " and then fist bumped his brother before opening his locker and took out his books for the morning classes . Alice walked up to her boyfriend and then kissed his lips before asking " so what do you need to do later today i got a message saying that you had some errands to do later and that's why you can't spend time with me ?" with a curious tone in her voice and so Adam shook his head to shake any unwanted thoughts out of his head before he said " it's not that i don't want to spend time with you of course i do but it's just i have some things to do later like drop off some books at the library and pick some items up for my mom"

Then Adam squeezed Alice's hand as he then said " but then we can be together ok ?" with Alice smiling and nodding before she gripped his hand and then they walked off to their classes for the morning . Eventually the lunch period came and so Adam went to the lunch line before he grabbed a tray and took some food and put it onto his tray before he then paid for it and said to Alice " i'll see you at the table babe " as he then headed over to the table before sitting down and then opening his notebook before writing down some notes from his Myths book while eating some of his food . Alice smiled at him and then was about to put some ketchup on her fries as she couldn't eat her fries without the red substance before she felt a presence next to her and so she turned around to see to her shock a young man who looked exactly like Adam .

Then as she blinked two times and collected her thoughts she asked " Hi can i help you ?" before the young man said " Not really i just wanted to say hi and my name's Dante " as he then held out his hand to shake her's which she put in it and shook while at the same time feeling some feelings of unease and weirdness . The as she walked away she then thought to herself " That was weird i have to tell Adam about that " before sitting down and enjoying her time with her boyfriend . On the way home that afternoon after school Adam said to his girlfriend " so you met the guy who looks like me ? how do you feel about that ?" before Alice said " I don't know i mean it's weird but at the same time i didn't want to say anything for fear of making it weirder you know ?" with Adam nodding in understanding.

so they headed to Alice's house before dropping her off and then Adam kissed her before saying " i'll talk to you later OK ?" and Alice smiled again before nodding and headed into her house while Adam drove home . Later that night Adam worked on his homework and writing before he went to bed with a bad feeling in his mind . 

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