Gemma learning about Adam and his team's lives

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 As Gemma was waking up that morning in her bed she was thinking about her new relationships with Adam and his friends and how they made her feel good which was a new yet fun thing for her and so as she got out of her bed she sighed in relief as she got changed into her black hoodie jacket with her white tanktop and blue pants on her body before grabbing her boots and pulled them on and then headed out to her car before she was going to get some food and so as she pulled into the diner parking lot she saw what looked like a young man that looked like Adam and so she raised her hand before saying " Hey i'm Gemma who are you ?" with a tone of surprise in her voice which the young man smiled at in a amused way .

Then he said " I'm Dante i'm Adam's dark half " with a smirk on his face which made Gemma's eyebrow rise but she said " OK then i was going to meet with Adam and his team would you like to join me ?" before Dante smiled in a friendly way as he said " that would be good i was planning to meet with them anyway " and so they walked into the diner before Adam walked over to them and said " hey guys thanks for coming " as he led them to his table where his team was there too before they sat down and were given menus by the waiter . Gemma looked over at Adam and Dante before she asked " so how is he " pointing to Dante " your dark half ?" with Adam sipping some coffee from his cup before he swallowed it .

Then he said " well when i was born my soul was split into two which was me and him as my dark side so now we have to fight one last time before we become one being you understand ?" with Gemma nodding as she got the basic gist of it and so she ate some of her muffin before turning to Sarah and asking " so what skills are you good at i mean not that i'm making fun of you or anything but i would like to get a good grasp of what you can do you know ?" with Sarah nodding before she swallowed her tea and said " Well i use the Shadow Energy in my body to create constructs and affect the world around me as well as enhance my skills in combat and overall help me out " while Adam nodded in agreement .

Then he said " it's the same for me too plus we have been training together to work in sync in combat " which amazed Gemma and so they finished their time at the diner before heading to the manor where as Adam and Alice were sparring together Gemma asked " Can i spar with you ? i feel like seeing how i'm doing in combat you know ?" and Sarah smiled before she nodded and got into a combat stance . Sarah formed a set of two spears before she then chucked them at Gemma who dodged them and formed two fiery spears before throwing them at Sarah who formed a shield and then blocked them before rushing to her opponent before ramming the shield at Gemma who was sent flying back and rolled to her feet before forming flame swords that were solidified so she could clash them with Sarah .

Then Sarah had her own swords before they slammed their blades together for the next few minutes and all the while Adam and Alice were watching this with awe and Adam said " I'll take on the winner " with Sarah grinning at him before she said " sure thing " and punched Gemma's chest back which made her gasp and she said " you win " with a smile on her face . Later that day Adam and his team were now sitting down at the kitchen table in the manor sipping some drinks before Gemma said " I have to go now to avoid suspicion but i'll talk to you guys later " and then they waved at her before she faded out and as Adam got up with Alice's hand in his he said " we're going home OK ?".

Sarah was then nodding before she said " sure guys have fun " and Adam walked Alice out to his car before they drove home where they sat on his couch and watched some TV before Alice went home and then Adam sat down for dinner where he listened to his family talk about their days . Later Adam was working on his writing before sighing in tiredness and then went to sleep . 

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