Meeting some new allies

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 As Adam and Sarah walked into the cafe with Alice by her boyfriend's side Sarah led them over to the table where her friends were sitting and so she said " This is my friends Gabriel and Serena and so i was wondering if it was not too much trouble that we can all talk about this ?" with Adam smiling at her before he said " sure i have no problems with this " and then ordered a coke before sitting down with Alice doing the same as she held out her hand and said " Nice to meet you guys " with Serena smiling and shaking her hand as she said in a pleasant voice " Back at you i can see why Adam is with you as you have a lot of strength " before her eyes fell to Alice's chest where the necklace was resting and she said " That's what Auriex wants " to her partner who nodded and said " Ms Knight we have no problems with you and your boyfriend we just want to talk to him that's all we promise ".

Adam was then nodding as his drink came to the table. before he sipped some and said " so what should we start this off with ?" . Gabriel looked over at his friend before he cleared his throat and said " First we must inform you that Auriex is seeking out what is on your girlfriend's neck " before Alice's hand went to her necklace and gripped it as she looked worried before she said " I'll do whatever i can to prevent him from getting it " which Serena smiled at before she said " Good he'll be coming after it so keep getting stronger and we'll help you when we can right ?" as she looked over at Gabriel who sighed and nodded before he sipped his coffee and said " Yes we will but first we need to know what you guys have been training in as we can then make a plan for increasing the training " with Sarah nodding .

Then she said " well first we were working on increasing Adam's skills with his energy weapons and as the time went on we kept seeing what would happen before we went to the Shadow World and worked on our powers as well there before we came here and now we're working on increasing his skills with sensing energy and overall making his skills good as they can be " which Gabriel nodded at in approval before he said " Now let's make a plan before we go do what we have to do for today " before he put a piece of paper on the table and said " Now first we'll have some training with our instructors at our base which is near the hospital and see what we need to work on for now before we do anything else and then we'll see what we can do next OK ?" with Adam nodding as he looked at Sarah and Alice.

Then Sarah said "we're OK with that as we can work with your instructors and put our training practices together and see what will happen so let's meet here maybe tomorrow ?" before the two soldiers nodded and they all went their own ways before Adam and Alice went to take a walk for some time before they had to go home . Later that night as Adam was sleeping in his room a figure came into the room and said into his ear in a shadowy and corrupted sounding voice " Soon you and your girlfriend will unlock the power of the Tome of Shadows and bring me back to life " as he walked away and faded into the air which alerted Adam in a bad way with him waking up in a sweat and saying to himself " What was that ?" . That morning at the park Adam was sitting on the bench with Charlie next to him and they were watching some of the kids playing in the playground.

So then as Adam said to his best friend " that's what happened Auriex came into my room and taunted me !" Charlie said in return " I don't know about that dude. i mean i personally haven't met him but from what you told me he seems like bad news " which Adam nodded at as he rubbed his neck before they got up and headed to the basketball court where they proceeded to shoot hoops for some time . Once they were done with their workout Adam and Charlie drove to the cafe before sitting down with some drinks and overall having a good time before they had to go home and so as Adam sipped some of his sprite he took out his phone and said " Hey babe i'm just with Charlie at the cafe so i'll be at your house later " before he then finished his drink.

He then said to Charlie " i'm going to go home OK dude i'll see you later " with Charlie fist bumping him before Adam headed out to his car and then drove home where he then sat down and took a nap for a while before getting up and then sat down for dinner before he would be heading out to his girlfriend's house . Later after dinner Adam grabbed his phone before heading out to Alice's house where they were soon sitting down and watching some Supernatural on Netflix as Adam laid his head on his girlfriend's shoulder before she smiled and kissed his hair which made him smile.

So they spent the rest of the night having a good time before Adam said " i'm going to go home babe but i'll be here tomorrow " and Alice smiled understandingly before kissing him and as Adam was getting ready for bed he smiled to himself before passing out . 

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