The final battle and Sarah's sacrifice

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 As Adam sighed in relief that the two past battles were over he also felt sadness that Aurora wasn't in his mind anymore as he had become happy that she was there to help him but he then told himself that she was in the afterlife where she belonged as well as the fact that he was now more powerful so he could deal with Auriex and so he walked over to his team before he kissed his girlfriend and said " I'm fine babe now let's go and end this whole mess " with Alice nodding along with Sarah and Connor nodding as well and so they found a set of stairs heading to the roof where they found Auriex waiting for them in a full rage.

Then as they reached him Auriex said " you have caused my plans to be derialed over and over and now i am going to KILL YOU!" as he formed a axe of fire and then threw it at Adam who caught it and then caused it to vanish as he said " You can't win so why don't you give up and we can call this a day ?" with Auriex snarling before he then lunged forward and caught Adam wifh a punch to his chest which knocked the air out of him before he said " Let's go team " and Alice nodded as she motioned to Sarah and Connor who also nodded and they charged forward . Adam formed his swords before closing in on Auriex who was being cornered by Sarah and Connor at the same time and as he was about to slash through his neck Auriex smirked before dodging the swords and gripped Sarah in a one handed grip.

Then he was throwing her to the side of the roof and then assaulted Connor with a series of blows which the young man couldn't dodge and was damaged to a healable degree before Adam formed a gauntlet and punched Auriex's head which for the moment stunned him and then allowed Alice to use her hand to hand skills to overcome Auriex as she had lost her magic due to the necklace's destruction but was too late to prevent him from knocking her away which led her to fall to her knee and wipe the blood off of her lip . Adam then leaped back before he regrouped with Sarah and Connor who was also breathing somewhat hard and as Adam knelt besides his team members he said " How should we do this ? i mean we're strong but i don't know if we can beat him you know ?" with Sarah thinking it over .

Then she said " I have a idea but it might take some time and if it doesn't work i have another plan so let's see how it goes " and so they got to their feet before Auriex smirked and said " I have to go things will be more amusing in a while " as he faded away to his hidden room where he had placed the blood and so as he took out the Tome and the blood sample he then spread the blood onto the page and said in Latin " Meo plenam potestatem et dimittere lassamque verum corpus" before the blood glowed and then the tome shot a beam of powerful energy onto his body which reanimated his flesh and blood and then Auriex smirked and said " Let the true fight begin " as he moved back to the roof.

Adam and his team were shocked to find that Auriex was now in his corporeal form with black hair and red eyes now as well as a set of armor and a cloak around his shoulders and so as Auriex smiled coldly he said " let's get this going " before he teleported behind Alice and slammed her into the roof with enough force to knock the breath out of her which angered Adam and so as he formed a set of armor as well out of energy he struck Auriex in the chest and torso multiple times before Auriex said " Good job but you'll need more than that to defeat me now that i'm full powered " . Sarah then thought to herself " If we have to i'll grab Auriex and then self destruct to take him out as i refuse to let him hurt the others and also refuse to keep him alive in this world " as she formed two axes.

She charged at the fully corporeal man before slashing and bashing him with enough force to make a lot of bruises and wounds on his body which amazed Adam and his team before Auriex licked the blood off of his hand and said " I definitely am having fun you four are worth fighting " as Connor summoned his animals and then sent them to keep Auriex busy before Adam and the others were alerted of Sarah's plan and as Adam looked at his brother and girlfriend he said " That will only be if we can't hurt him anymore " which Sarah agreed with and then as the last animal was destroyed Sarah struck his head with a axe .

Auriex fell to his knees as he gasped for breath due to the injury from Sarah's attack before Alice assaulted him with a flurry of attacks from all angles and once the time was right Adam then leaped into the spot next to Auriex before taking the Blade of Two Souls and then stabbed Auriex in his neck and decapitated him . Auriex eyes turned white as he began to glow and then Adam said " Le'ts go as Auriex's body was about to explode . But at the same time Sarah closed her eyes and said " I got this you guys go " as she leaped onto Auriex's body and then as the roof was covered in a explosion Adam closed his eyes in sadness as he knew she was dead .

So as he saw Sarah's body which was covered in burns and injuries from the explosion Adam said " We'll give her a burial at home OK guys ?" with Connor and Alice nodding in sadness before they headed home and sat down at the kitchen table with some drinks as they thought to themselves " It's all over ." 

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