Learning from Layla

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 As Adam got up that morning around 5 or 6 in the morning he ran his fingers through his hair as he was breathing pretty hard due to a nightmare he had just had where he was standing in the cafeteria at lunch during one of his most recent school days and he had been enjoying the time spent with Alice before they had to go to their next classes and so as he had gotten up to throw his trash away Alice's hand had grabbed his wrist only for the hand to be filled with veins that looked corrupted and her eyes had a dark look to them as she said to him " You'll never escape me we are one being " before Adam wrenched his hand away from Alice and headed out of the school before he had stopped in the end of the hallway as the dark copy of him had come towards him and said in a merciless voice " We'll Meet Soon Don't Worry About That!" .

Adam held his hands up to block the incoming attack before the next moment had passed and he had woken up . so Adam was now standing in front of his bathroom splashing some water onto his face as he thought " What is going on now ? i mean these are coming at me more frequently and i don't get it i need to talk to Layla and Sarah" before walking out to his room and getting changed into some workout clothes and then headed to the workout room before sitting down and doing some crunches for the moment while he was listening to some Linkin Park as they fit his mood for the time being. Once he was done with the exercises Adam then got up and then headed to the pull up bar before he switched songs with " Carry On My Wayward Son " now being played and then grabbed the bar before pulling himself up.

As Adam was rising and dropping down for the next few minutes while he kept his breathing at a good rate until he felt that he was done . After dropping to his feet Adam grabbed some water before sipping it and then made a plan in his head which went " 1. go to the library for some new books to read 2. do some more research for any stories that i want to write and then 3. relax for the day " before walking into the house and then got showered and dried off before he got dressed in new clothes and then headed out to the car before he pulled out of the driveway and then headed to the coffee shop before he would go to the library for the morning and so as he stood in the middle of the line for his drink Adam then took out his phone and texted Layla as he had her number in his phone.

He sent his message that was saying " Hey just wanted to say that i have a errand to do with the library but i'll be at the manor soon OK?" and then went to the front of the line before he said " Hi I'll take a small French Vanilla please as well as a chocolate chip muffin " and then moved to the side to let the other people order before he sat down and read the message that Layla sent him which was " OK sure that's good and we'll see you soon " before he sent " Sure thing i'll be there in a while " and then picked up his order before heading to the library . Once at the big building which had a series of books in a bookshelf in the entrance Adam then walked into the lobby and then looked around the room to find what he was looking for which was in this case the Supernatural or Paranormal section.

So then he walked over to that area before he then picked out some books that looked interesting as they talked about different beings that are famous in Paranormal and Supernatural media such as ghosts or specters or Werewolves and Vampires before sitting down and opened his notebook before jotting some notes down for the next few minutes before he then saved the books and then took them out of the library before heading out to his car and then drove to the Manor where he then parked in his usual spot before walking to the front door . As Adam walked into the manor he then heard " Thanks for coming " before he looked up and saw Layla walking towards him with a smile on her face.

So he said in return " It's no problem so you want to get started ?" with Layla smiling and nodding before they walked into the library and sat down before Layla began to speak . " Shadow Beings are capable of much more then creating weapons and using Shadow Vision as in they can use their energy to teleport to different places while at the same time also create illusions to fool people into what they want them to see " and as she said this she pointed at Adam before she caused his mind to see a paradise like place for the next few moments before he then woke up and shook his head while at the same time Layla then teleported in a flash of energy to the other side of the room for a few seconds .

After that she then said " You try now" and so Adam did those two things for the next hour before Adam then said " alright so you want me to keep practicing this ?" and Layla smiled before nodding and so Adam then went home before he then worked on those abilities for the time being before going to bed . 

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