Getting a new and powerful weapon

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 As Aurora looked at Adam with a worried look on her face she said " There's something i need to tell you " before Adam nodded and said " OK what's up ?" with Aurora sighing and said " I need you to get something that will help you if i am resurrected and you must fight me " and so Adam asked " what do i need and how will it help ?" with Aurora holding her hand out and a image of a small blade appeared with black and white runes on it and a sudden feeling of awe and shock shot through Adam's body as she said " This is a ancient Shadow weapon known as the Blade of the Two Souls and it can only be used by someone that had their soul split in two but had also been fused back together."

Then she took a breath before continuing "Also since you're the only person that has that condition you are the person that can use it while at the same time it can kill man people but when it's used on Shadow Beings or Order of the Sun members it will kill their souls and send them to the afterlife so if i am brought back and attack you use it on me ok ?" and Adam nodded as he said " do you know where it could be ?" with Aurora thinking hard for some time before she said " I think it's in some museum or some ruins so i would ask Sarah to make sure " and so Adam nodded before waking up where he sighed in sadness at the possibility of fighting Aurora.

But then he hardened his facial expression as he said " If it happens then i will go forth " before he stepped out of the bedroom and then took his shower before going to get dressed and headed out to the manor . Once at the manor Adam then knocked on the door before he was allowed in and so he said to Sarah who was coming down from her shower "So i need your help , do you know of the Blade of the Two Souls and where i could find it ?" with Sarah's face looking worried as she said " How do you know of it and why do you need it ?" before Adam sighed and said " Aurora told me and i need it in case she get's resurrected and attacks us " which calmed Sarah down.

Then she said " Let me get ready and then we'll head out ok ?" with Adam nodding before he then sat down and texted Alice with " Me and Sarah are heading out to find something you want to come with ?" . Once that was done Adam and Sarah hopped into the jeep and drove to the ruins where they stood outside the entrance before Alice came up to them and kissed her boyfriend's cheek as she said " so what's going on ?" before Adam said "We need to find a weapon for the event that Aurora attacks us if she's brought back you know what i mean ?" and Alice nodded in understanding as she squeezed his hand and they walked into the ruins .

As they walked Sarah said " I don't know much about this blade but i know that it needs a Shadow Being who's soul was split in two and then brought back together and so i feel you can use it to it's full potential as well as it can kill Shadow Beings and Order members and at the same time it has the ability to drain a Shadow Being or Order member's energy as in our Shadow energy and the fire that Order of the Sun members use " which amazed Adam and Alice and so as they reached the point where Adam could feel a energy coming from they stopped and let their guards come up . So then Adam headed into the area while checking for any traps or enemies before he then found the blade which was small yet powerful looking with the black and white runes on the hilt and a grayish gem in the middle of the hilt which indicated that it symbolized both the dark and light sides of a soul coming together while at the same time it symbolized grayish morality .

Adam picked up the blade before it pulsed and shined as Adam heard a voice telling him " I have seen your mind Adam Daniels and i am impressed of your vow to help Lady Aurora and so i wish to help you when you fight " as if the blade was talking to him and so Adam nodded before he told the voice " I'd be honored to fight with you and hope we can win this" and then put the blade away before he then headed out to meet with Alice and Sarah who he told about what happened . They were amazed and hopeful they will win this fight before heading out of the ruins and then headed to the cafe for some food . Adam sat down with Alice next to him and Sarah across from him as he said " Alright now that we have a new edge in our conflict i hope we can end this without losing ourselves to the darkness or anything you know ?" .

Alice nodded as she sipped her coffee before kissing his cheek and said " I know but i also know we will never hurt innocents and only go after the ones who have been targeting us " while Sarah nodded as well and said " We should also get in contact with Dante and see what's going on with any events in his life right now " before they finished their drinks and headed out to the house where Adam and Alice sat down and relaxed for some time before Alice went home . Later that night Adam fell asleep before the Blade of Two Souls pulsed and appeared on his gear on his dresser . 

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