The dance coming up

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 Standing in his room that morning Adam looked at his body in the mirror while feeling somewhat self conscious due to a sudden burst of feelings due to having asked Alice to the dance and she having accepted and so as he was rubbing the mark on his chest he sighed in annoyance at this insecurity he was feeling before he thought to himself " stop it she said yes so get over it " and then grabbed some clothes before heading to the shower to do his morning routine and so as he was standing in the shower with the water running down his body he washed off the body wash he used before he grabbed the shampoo and poured some onto his head and then washed it out in the next few seconds before getting out of the shower and then dried off before getting dressed and then headed to the kitchen for some food before heading to school .

Adam placed his bag in the seat that was next to his chair before he took some bread and then put the bread in the toaster before he grabbed the butter and placed it next to the plate while he also poured himself some coffee until the toast was done being made so Adam put some of the buttered toast into his mouth and then sat down while Connor was making his food as well . Both brothers sat down and then ate their food in silence for the time being while being on their phones before Adam said " i'll be in the car OK ?" which Connor nodded and then as Adam grabbed his bag he then turned on his car before opened the door and then sat down with his phone being plugged into the charger while selecting "Scars" before Connor sat down in the passenger seat and they were soon driving to school .

Adam then parked in a open spot before going to the school doors and then headed to his locker before opened the door and then took out what he needed for the classes in the morning while he was changing songs on his playlist and as he was soon done Adam closed the door before noticing Alice smiling at him so he pulled out one of his earbuds and asked "Hey you ready for the dance ?" . Alice nodded and said " yeah i'm going dress shopping later so don't worry about it " as she then leaned in and then kissed his cheek in a friendly manner before leaving the hallway which made Adam pause and rub his cheek before heading to his classes for the morning .

Adam was soon sitting down in Chemistry when Charlie came up to him and asked " you OK bro ? you look wierd like you had something happen to you " and Adam nodded before they worked on their work for the class . Then as he was writing down the notes from the board he whispered " Alice kissed me or at least my cheek " which Charlie grinned at and then said " congrats bro your first kiss what did it make you feel ?" with Adam thinking about it for a minute before saying " i don't know but i guess i want to see what happens " before the bell rang . The time for Lunch came around and so as Adam sat down with Alice who was smiling yet blushing at the same time due to her having kissed him he asked " so why did you kiss me again? i mean i have nothing wrong with it i am just wondering that's all " .

Alice blushed and then said in a nervous tone " i was just thinking that you looked really good and that we had gotten close and so i thought i would take a shot you know ?" . Adam was smiling in relief that it wasn't cause of any reasons that were weird before he said " that's cool i was just checking to make sure " before they ate their food and then worked on some of their homework for the period . Once the bell rang Adam then headed to his next set of classes for the afternoon before he was soon sitting in his final class which was English and so as he then opened his notebook to jot down the notes about Dante Aligheri before the bell rang he then saw a young woman walk up to him and ask " Hi do you have the notes from today ? i was kinda spacing out and i didn't get them " with a sheepish look on her face .

Then Adam smiled cheerfully at and then said " sure thing i have them right here " before he took them out and gave them to the girl who jotted them down and then said " Thanks I'm Casey and i'm a friend of Alice but i also wanted to say i'm glad you are one of her friends " which made him blush yet he smiled again and said " no problem i like being with her " which Casey smirked at in a playful manner before she said " oh you like her that way huh?" before Adam blushed and said " yeah but i don' want to tell her yet you know? i want to get to know her some more " . Casey giggled and said " well nice to meet you and don't worry i think she likes you too you'll know it soon " before they left for their lockers .

So then as Adam stood in front of his locker and got dressed for his first meet he said to Charlie " you think Alice likes me ?" in a nervous voice. Charlie looked reassuring and said " i think she does but she doesn't know how to tell you so let's see what happens " and so they headed out to the bus before being driven to the meet place where they got out and then warmed up with the team before they got ready for the beginning of the race . As Adam got into his position he then heard the gun go off and so he then ran down the course while keeping his mind focused on doing his best before he then reached the end and as he took some deep breaths he then heard his time which was good and so he smiled before he then headed to the meeting place for the team before they got a talk from their coach who said " good job guys now let's go home and you can rest for the day " and so they headed onto the bus before they got home.

Then as Adam got dressed and had his bag in his hand he said to Charlie " you need a ride dude ?" with Charlie shaking his head before he said " no thanks man i got my car " . so as Adam headed home he got a call from Alice before he sat down for dinner and so he said "Hey what's up?" before Alice said " nothing much just wanted to ask how your meet was ?" and Adam smiled before he said " not too bad i got a good time and so i was wondering if you have your dress for the dance ?" . Alice smiled as she turned and saw the dress she had gotten for the dance before she said " yeah i do i got it yesterday and i can't wait !" before Adam replied " OK well i got to go for dinner so i'll call you later " and so he sat down for dinner before eating his food and then as he was done Adam worked on his homework before finishing some writing and went to bed . 

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